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Please see NATv2, an improved version of the original NAT framework.

Noise-Aware Training (NAT)

This repository contains the code and the data that can be used to reproduce the experiments described in the "NAT: Noise-Aware Training for Robust Neural Sequence Labeling" paper, which was accepted to be presented at the ACL 2020 conference.


The standard sequence labeling systems are usually trained on clean text. Such systems exhibit substantially lower accuracy when applied on imperfect textual input. NAT aims to improve robustness of sequence labeling performed on data from noisy sources, like Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) or misspelled user-generated text. NAT uses a standard sequence labeling architecture, but modifies the training objective of the neural model. To this end, it employs two auxiliary training objectives:

  1. Data augmentation objective, which directly induces noise in the input data and trains the model on a mixture of clean and noisy samples.
  2. Stability training objective that encourages similarity between the original and the perturbed input, which helps the model to produce a noise-invariant latent representation.

NAT was implemented as an extension to the FLAR library, but it can be integrated into any other sequence labeling framework.

Project Structure

├── flair
├── flair_ext
│   ├── models
│   ├── trainers
│   └── visual
├── resources
│   ├── cmx
│   ├── taggers
│   ├── tasks
│   └── typos
└── robust_ner

The flair directory includes the basic FLAIR framework. See the Quick Start section for more information, how to get it.

The flair_ext directory contains extensions to the basic FLAIR library:

The robust_ner directory comprises of the modules that are used for noise induction, spelling correction and the helper function/classes.

The resources directory includes the data files. Confusion matrices are included in the project. See the Quick Start notes for more information, how to get the typos files and the data sets.

Quick Start

Getting the Code

  1. Clone or download the NAT GitHub repository:
git clone
  1. Extract "flair.tgz" to the NAT directory:
tar -xzvf flair.tgz

Getting the data

Named Entity Recognition (NER) Data Sets

Please follow the instruction on the websites of the corresponding shared tasks:

Misspellings, typos

  1. Download typos lists from the following websites:
  1. Move the downloaded files to the resources/tasks sub-directory.

Installing the Prerequisites

  1. Please install all required packages as shown below:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. To use the ELMo embeddings, you need to install the AllenNLP library:
pip install allennlp
  1. If you plan to use the spell checking functionality, you need to install the packages required to run hunspell:
sudo apt-get install hunspell hunspell-de-de hunspell-en-us libhunspell-dev python-dev
pip install hunspell

Using the code

You can use the NAT functionality by calling the python script. The following command-line parameters can be specified (in the order of importance; parameters in bold are required):

Parameter Description Value
--mode Execution mode One of: train, tune, eval.
--corpus Data set to use One of: conll03_en (default), conll03_de, germeval.
--model Model name Arbitrary string.
--train_mode Training mode One of: standard (default), augmentation, stability.
--alpha Auxiliary loss weight Floating point number (default: 1.0).
--misspelling_rate Noise level Floating point number (default: 0.0).
--type Type of embeddings One of: flair (default), bert, elmo, word+char.
--cmx_file Confusion matrix file e.g.: tesseract3-RS.
--typos_file Typos file e.g.: en.natural or moe_misspellings_train.tsv.
--spell_check Use spell checking no parameters, turned off by default.
--lr Initial learning rate Floating point number (default: 0.1).
--train_with_dev Train with dev. set no parameters, turned off by default.
--col_idx Index of a tag column Integer value (default: 3).
--text_idx Index of the text column Integer value (default: 0).
--device Device to use Torch device type string (default: cuda).
--downsample Downsample rate Floating point value (default: 1.0).
--num_hidden Tagger hidden state size Integer value (default: 256).
--max_epochs Max. training epochs Integer value (default: 100).
--batch_size Mini batch size Integer value (default: 32).
--checkpoint Checkpoint file name String (default:
--no_valid_misspell No validation with misspellings No parameters, turned off by default.
--verbose Print verbose messages No parameters, turned off by default.
-h Print help No parameters.

Training a model from scratch

The following call will start the training of a new model called my_new_model on the English CoNLL 2003 data set using the data augmentation objective with the weight factor of 1.0 and the noise level of 10%.

python3 --mode train --corpus conll03_en --model my_new_model --train_mode augmentation --misspelling_rate 0.1 --alpha 1.0

All your models will be stored in the resources/taggers directory.

Fine-tuning an existing model

The following call will start the fine-tuning process of the previously trained model using the stability objective with different parameters and a lower learning rate:

python3 --mode tune --corpus conll03_en --model my_trained_model --train_mode stability --misspelling_rate 0.05 --alpha 0.5 --lr 0.01


Finally, the prepared model can be evaluated on the real OCR erros by using the following call:

python3 --mode eval --corpus conll03_en --model my_trained_model --cmx_file tesseract3-RS

Citing NAT

Please cite our paper when using the code:

    title = "{NAT}: Noise-Aware Training for Robust Neural Sequence Labeling",
    author = {Namysl, Marcin and Behnke, Sven and K{\"o}hler, Joachim},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "1501--1517",



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