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Detecion of Suspicious Content on Websites

In present time internet is the most effective, convenient and fast mode of sharing information and ideas. Though this facility is made for the ease of people all over the world yet a lot of people and groups of people use this facility in to spread negativities around the globe. Now a days internet is being used by a lot of groups who share data that directly leads towards the sectarian violence and specially the two major sects i.e. Shia and Sunni. In recent years, rigidity between the two major brands of Islam that is shia and sunni has been noticed to an increasing extent not only in Pakistan but all over the world. Our project aims to detect such web pages which cause the confliction between shia and sunni. A web app based GUI is developed. Once user enters a URL of any web page, whole data of that web page is crawled and based of our fetched training data it classifies that web page as suspicious or not suspicious.