A simple wrapper to allow CocoaScript to execute NSTask
) asynchronously.
Same arguments as Process
[Delegate] Executed when command receives data
[Delegate] Executed when command ends
@import "Debug/MochaJSDelegate.js"
function loadFramework(pluginRoot, pluginName, className) {
className = className ? `${pluginName}.${className}` : pluginName
if ( NSClassFromString( className ) == null ) {
let mocha = Mocha.sharedRuntime()
return mocha.loadFrameworkWithName_inDirectory( pluginName, pluginRoot )
} else {
return true
let result = loadFramework( "./", "MochaAsyncTask", "AsyncTask" )
if ( result == 0 ) log( "Failed to load framework..." )
let AsyncTask = NSClassFromString( "MochaAsyncTask.AsyncTask" )
let task = AsyncTask.alloc().init()
let delegate = new MochaJSDelegate()
delegate.setHandlerForSelector("onData:", (data)=> {
delegate.setHandlerForSelector("onEnd", (data)=> {
task.setDelegate( delegate.getClassInstance() )
task.execWithLaunchPath_arguments("/usr/bin/curl", ["https://google.com"])
Make sure you pull its submodules first.
$ git submodule update --init