Discord bot called "modbot" developed by filipporomani for moderating your discord server to the next level.
- filliporomani
- Xp-op
(Modbot Developer)
- Azury
(modbot.studio Developer)
Set the log channel!
Play a song! Just join a voice channel and type "/play
{song name}
"! -
Stop the current playing song.
Loops the current playing song.
Vote to skip to the next song in the queue. The requester can skip without voting.
Display current playing song.
Sets the player volume. Use "/volume
". -
Display the player queue.
Add a custom swear word to your server! Simple type '/addword
' changing word to the desired word. -
Remove a custom swear word from your server's custom badwords! Simple type '/rmword
' changing word to the desired word. You can only remove custom words. If you need to remove a default word just join the support server and ping the Developer or the Staff roles. -
Select your custom prefix! Just type "/prefix
{your new prefix}
" changing your new prefix to the desired prefix. If you forgot the prefix simply ping me. -
Simply whitelist an user from the swear words filter. To use this command type "/whitelist @user_mention". You can whitelist an unlimited amount of members!
Simply blacklist an user to the swear words filter. To use this command type "/blacklist @user_mention". All members are blacklisted by default.
Simply turn ON/OFF the swear word filter, type "/filter
". -
Kick a member, use "/kick @user_mention
{optional reason}
". -
Check how many infractions an user has! Use '/infractions @user_ping'
Clear all the infractions for an user. Use '/clearall @user_ping'
Ban a member, use "/ban @user_mention
{optional reason}
". -
Unban a member, use "/unban member_username#XXXX".
Mute an user. To use this command create a "Muted" role without the "Send messages" permission. Then type "/mute @user_mention".
Unmute an user. To use this command you have to mute the user first and type "/unmute @user_mention".
Create a new text channel. Use "/new name of the channel". Discord willl automatically convert whitespaces into "-"
Delete a text or a voice channel. You can also use /rm. For use this command just type "/rm channel-name".
Suugest a new feature or report a bug to the developers! Use "/suggest
{your suggestion}
". We accept any kind of idea, thank you for helping us! -
Short an url! Simply use '/short
{url to short}
' -
Create an instant invite to your server. Note that the generated invite will never expire and it will have unlimited uses.
Get the join date of a member, use "/info @user_mention".
Purge as many messages as you want, use "/purge
{numer of messages to delete}
" -
Check the bot uptime.
Check the bot's ping