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Install funasr-onnx

install from pip

pip install -U funasr-onnx
# For the users in China, you could install with the command:
# pip install -U funasr-onnx -i
# If you want to export .onnx file, you should install modelscope and funasr
pip install -U modelscope funasr
# For the users in China, you could install with the command:
# pip install -U modelscope funasr -i

or install from source code

git clone && cd FunASR
cd funasr/runtime/python/onnxruntime
pip install -e ./
# For the users in China, you could install with the command:
# pip install -e ./ -i

Inference with runtime

Speech Recognition


from funasr_onnx import Paraformer
from pathlib import Path

model_dir = "damo/speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch"
model = Paraformer(model_dir, batch_size=1, quantize=True)

wav_path = ['{}/.cache/modelscope/hub/damo/speech_paraformer-large_asr_nat-zh-cn-16k-common-vocab8404-pytorch/example/asr_example.wav'.format(Path.home())]

result = model(wav_path)
  • model_dir: model_name in modelscope or local path downloaded from modelscope. If the local path is set, it should contain model.onnx, config.yaml, am.mvn
  • batch_size: 1 (Default), the batch size duration inference
  • device_id: -1 (Default), infer on CPU. If you want to infer with GPU, set it to gpu_id (Please make sure that you have install the onnxruntime-gpu)
  • quantize: False (Default), load the model of model.onnx in model_dir. If set True, load the model of model_quant.onnx in model_dir
  • intra_op_num_threads: 4 (Default), sets the number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU

Input: wav formt file, support formats: str, np.ndarray, List[str]

Output: List[str]: recognition result


Voice Activity Detection


from funasr_onnx import Fsmn_vad
from pathlib import Path

model_dir = "damo/speech_fsmn_vad_zh-cn-16k-common-pytorch"
wav_path = '{}/.cache/modelscope/hub/damo/speech_fsmn_vad_zh-cn-16k-common-pytorch/example/vad_example.wav'.format(Path.home())

model = Fsmn_vad(model_dir)

result = model(wav_path)
  • model_dir: model_name in modelscope or local path downloaded from modelscope. If the local path is set, it should contain model.onnx, config.yaml, am.mvn
  • batch_size: 1 (Default), the batch size duration inference
  • device_id: -1 (Default), infer on CPU. If you want to infer with GPU, set it to gpu_id (Please make sure that you have install the onnxruntime-gpu)
  • quantize: False (Default), load the model of model.onnx in model_dir. If set True, load the model of model_quant.onnx in model_dir
  • intra_op_num_threads: 4 (Default), sets the number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU

Input: wav formt file, support formats: str, np.ndarray, List[str]

Output: List[str]: recognition result


from funasr_onnx import Fsmn_vad_online
import soundfile
from pathlib import Path

model_dir = "damo/speech_fsmn_vad_zh-cn-16k-common-pytorch"
wav_path = '{}/.cache/modelscope/hub/damo/speech_fsmn_vad_zh-cn-16k-common-pytorch/example/vad_example.wav'.format(Path.home())

model = Fsmn_vad_online(model_dir)

##online vad
speech, sample_rate =
speech_length = speech.shape[0]
sample_offset = 0
step = 1600
param_dict = {'in_cache': []}
for sample_offset in range(0, speech_length, min(step, speech_length - sample_offset)):
    if sample_offset + step >= speech_length - 1:
        step = speech_length - sample_offset
        is_final = True
        is_final = False
    param_dict['is_final'] = is_final
    segments_result = model(audio_in=speech[sample_offset: sample_offset + step],
    if segments_result:
  • model_dir: model_name in modelscope or local path downloaded from modelscope. If the local path is set, it should contain model.onnx, config.yaml, am.mvn
  • batch_size: 1 (Default), the batch size duration inference
  • device_id: -1 (Default), infer on CPU. If you want to infer with GPU, set it to gpu_id (Please make sure that you have install the onnxruntime-gpu)
  • quantize: False (Default), load the model of model.onnx in model_dir. If set True, load the model of model_quant.onnx in model_dir
  • intra_op_num_threads: 4 (Default), sets the number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU

Input: wav formt file, support formats: str, np.ndarray, List[str]

Output: List[str]: recognition result

Punctuation Restoration


from funasr_onnx import CT_Transformer

model_dir = "damo/punc_ct-transformer_zh-cn-common-vocab272727-pytorch"
model = CT_Transformer(model_dir)

result = model(text_in)
  • model_dir: model_name in modelscope or local path downloaded from modelscope. If the local path is set, it should contain model.onnx, config.yaml, am.mvn
  • device_id: -1 (Default), infer on CPU. If you want to infer with GPU, set it to gpu_id (Please make sure that you have install the onnxruntime-gpu)
  • quantize: False (Default), load the model of model.onnx in model_dir. If set True, load the model of model_quant.onnx in model_dir
  • intra_op_num_threads: 4 (Default), sets the number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU

Input: str, raw text of asr result

Output: List[str]: recognition result


from funasr_onnx import CT_Transformer_VadRealtime

model_dir = "damo/punc_ct-transformer_zh-cn-common-vad_realtime-vocab272727"
model = CT_Transformer_VadRealtime(model_dir)

text_in  = "跨境河流是养育沿岸|人民的生命之源长期以来为帮助下游地区防灾减灾中方技术人员|在上游地区极为恶劣的自然条件下克服巨大困难甚至冒着生命危险|向印方提供汛期水文资料处理紧急事件中方重视印方在跨境河流>问题上的关切|愿意进一步完善双方联合工作机制|凡是|中方能做的我们|都会去做而且会做得更好我请印度朋友们放心中国在上游的|任何开发利用都会经过科学|规划和论证兼顾上下游的利益"

vads = text_in.split("|")
param_dict = {"cache": []}
for vad in vads:
    result = model(vad, param_dict=param_dict)
    rec_result_all += result[0]

  • model_dir: model_name in modelscope or local path downloaded from modelscope. If the local path is set, it should contain model.onnx, config.yaml, am.mvn
  • device_id: -1 (Default), infer on CPU. If you want to infer with GPU, set it to gpu_id (Please make sure that you have install the onnxruntime-gpu)
  • quantize: False (Default), load the model of model.onnx in model_dir. If set True, load the model of model_quant.onnx in model_dir
  • intra_op_num_threads: 4 (Default), sets the number of threads used for intraop parallelism on CPU

Input: str, raw text of asr result

Output: List[str]: recognition result

Performance benchmark

Please ref to benchmark


  1. This project is maintained by FunASR community.
  2. We partially refer SWHL for onnxruntime (only for paraformer model).