TgBotJs - is a Promise-based Telegram Bot API wrapper for Node.ks and browsers.
$ npm install --save @modern-dev/tgbotjs
import { Bot } from '@modern-dev/tgbotjs';
import { User } from '@modern-dev/tgbotjs/types';
const token = 'your_bot_token';
const bot = new Bot(token);
const me: User = await bot.getMe();
A list of all the methods is available here.
The methods with up to 3 input params have the next signature:
setChatTitle = (chatId: ChatId, title: string): Promise<boolean>
getChat = (chatId: ChatId): Promise<Chat>
getChatAdministrators = (chatId: ChatId): Promise<Array<ChatMember>>
For example:
const ok = await bot.setChatTitle('@M3MSY', 'Best memes from all over the internet.');
The methods with 4+ input params accept a single object with all the required params as key-value pairs:
getUpdates = (params: GetUpdatesParams): Promise<Array<Update>>
sendMessage = (params: SendMessageParams): Promise<Message>
sendPhoto = (params: SendPhotoParams): Promise<Message>
For example:
const params = {
chatId: '@M3MSY',
text: 'Welcome there!',
disableNotification: true,
replyToMessageId: 12345678
const msg = await bot.sendMessage(params);
TgBotJs accepts Blob, File, ReadStream or Buffer as media upload options.
For example:
const photo = fs.createReadStream('/photos/chat_picture.jpg');
const ok = await bot.setChatPhoto('@M3MSY', photo);
Licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2020 Bohdan Shtepan · GitHub @virtyaluk · Twitter @virtyaluk