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Ahmed Castro edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 20 revisions

API schema: Mod Object

C++ Wrapper: Mod

struct ModioMod
  u32 id;
  u32 game_id;
  long date_added;
  long date_live;
  long date_updated;
  char* homepage;
  char* name;
  char* name_id;
  char* summary;
  char* description;
  char* metadata_blob;
  char* profile_url;
  ModioImage logo;
  ModioUser submitted_by;
  ModioMedia media;
  ModioModfile modfile;
  ModioRatings ratings;
  ModioTag* tags_array;
  int tags_array_size;

The ModioMod structure is returned by the Mods (C compatible) functions. They represent mods created by the users.

Name Type Description
id u32 Unique mod identifier
game_id u32 Unique game identifier
date_added long Unix timestamp of date registered
date_live long Unix timestamp of date when set live
dateup u32 Unix timestamp of date last updated
homepage char* Mod homepage URL
name char* Name of the mod
nameid char* Unique SEO-friendly mod uri
summary char* Brief summary of the mod
description char* Description of the mod
metadata_blob char* Metadata for the mod
profile_url char* Official website url for the mod
logo ModioImage* ModioImage object containing logo data
submitted_by ModioUser* ModioUser object containing user data
media ModioMedia* ModioMedia object containing media data
modfile ModioModfile* ModioModfile object containing file data
ratings ModioRatingSummary* ModioRatingSummary object containing rating data
tags_array ModioTag* ModioTag object containing tags data
tags_array_size u32 Size of the tags_array


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