React Venados App Test Live Demo
Project created for show knowledge in react.js, the required issues you could find in the next here:
The initial structure was created by Create React App, it's very helpul and fast when start the project.
git clone
cd react-venados-test
yarn install
yarn start
Is used the metodology called "Structure By Features" for the organization of folders, I think that is the easy way for to manage big projects.
├── src # Main code.
│ ├── common # Reusable code.
│ ├── components # Reusable components in react.
├── pages # Each module of application, is commonly defined by the direction from react/router.
│ ├── home # Main page.
│ ├── actions # Redux actions. List of the differents actions.
│ ├── index.js # Main point entry for actions.
│ ├── api # Api actions.
│ ├── index.js # Main point for api actions.
│ ├── components # Local component by module.
│ ├── index.js # Main point for components.
│ ├── actionTypes.js # Constants to identify what actions we have.
│ ├── constants.js # General constants.
│ ├── Container.js # Smart component with redux.
│ ├── index.js # Main point of module. (actions, reducer, Container, etc).
│ ├── reducer.js # Reducer de redux.
│ ├── selectors.js # Getters for the state de redux.
│ ├── configureStore # Configuration of store de redux.
│ ├── index.js # Application point entry.
Some libraries used.