DeepForecasting is an intelligent decision support system used to predict the future company's stock price considering its stock historical data and news effect. To assist the nonfinancial expert users, we create a composite index for each company based on the best result returned from three different types of deep learning neural networks (Backpropagation, Radial Basis Function, and Recurrent) and the result obtained from the sentiment analysis of company's related news. This composite index is scored up to three, and higher values indicate more safety decisions.
DeepForecasting-Plus: Displayed the stock market prediction summaries in a friendly web user interface including visualized plots and informative reports. [Screenshot]
- Download Historical Data and generate the visualized plots.
python pystocklib/ <ticker>
python pystocklib/ AMZN
- Retrain model.
python stocknn/ <ticker> --retrain
python stocknn/ AMZN --retrain
python stocknn/ [ticker] [operation]
--retrain Retrain an existing model.
--train Create a new model. [override any pre-existed model]
--test Load the model & print predicted value.
- PHP interface
php auto.php <ticker>
php auto.php [ticker] [operation]
--retrain Retrain an existing model. (Default)
--train Create a new model. [override any pre-existed model]
--test Load the model & print predicted value.
- Python
- Keras
- Scikit-learn
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Textblob
- Matplotlib
- bs4