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Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with CQRS for Account Management Microservices using MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Kafka, Docker, and Maven.

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Spring Boot CQRS Example (Docker, Apache Kafka, Zookeeper, MYSQL, MongoDB)

Main Information

📖 Information

  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) is an architectural pattern that separates a system into two parts: one for updating data (commands) and another for reading data (queries).
  • CQRS is implemented in this project with running on Docker and it provides the necessary components to build an event-driven handling with Apache Kafka

Explore Rest APIs

Method Url Description Valid Request Body Valid Request Params Valid Request Params and Body No Valid Request Params and Body
POST /api/v1/openBankAccount Open a Bank Account Info
PUT /api/v1/depositFunds/{id} Deposit Fund to the Account Info
PUT /api/v1/withdrawFunds/{id} Withdraw Fund from Account Info
DELETE /api/v1/closeBankAccount/{id} Close Account Info
GET /api/v1/bankAccountLookup/ Get All Accounts Info
GET /api/v1/bankAccountLookup/{id} Get Account By Id Info
GET /api/v1/bankAccountLookup/byHolder/{account_holder} Get Account By Holder Info
GET /api/v1/bankAccountLookup/withBalance/GREATER_THAN/{value} Get Account By Balance Greather Then Value Info
GET /api/v1/bankAccountLookup/withBalance/LESS_THAN/{value} Get Account By Balance Less Then Value Info
GET /api/v1/restoreReadDb Restore Database By Read Info

Used Dependencies

  • Core
    • Spring
      • Spring Boot
      • Spring Data
        • Spring Data JPA
  • Database
    • Mysql
    • Mongodb
  • Kafka
  • Lombok
  • Docker

Valid Request Body

        "accountHolder" : "Account Holder 1",
        "accountType" : "SAVINGS",
        "openingBalance" : 50.0

Valid Request Params


Valid Request Params and Body

        "amount" : 150.0
        "amount" : 50.0

No Valid Request Params and Body


🔨 Run the App

There are 2 ways to run the app.


  1. Install mysql in your computer
  2. Install mongodb in your computer
  3. Run only Zookeeper and Apache Kafka from docker-compose.yml file
  4. Download your project from this link
  5. Go to the project's home directory : cd cqrs-example
  6. Go to the bank-account : cd bank-account
  7. Create a jar file under bank-account directory though this command mvn clean install
  8. Run the project though this command mvn spring-boot:run
  9. Send any request of collection under postman collections folder through Postman
  10. Show data from both mongodb by following all these commands shown below
    -> Open Mongodb Comprass
    -> Create a new connection (mongodb://localhost:27017)
    -> Show data from eventStore collection of bankAccount database
  1. Show data from both mongodb by following all these commands shown below
    -> Open Mysql Workbench
    -> Use default connection
    -> Show data from bank_account table of bankAccount database

Docker Compose

  1. Download your project from this link
  2. Go to the project's home directory : cd cqrs-example
  3. Go to the bank-account directory : cd bank-account
  4. Run docker-compose though this command docker-compose up --build
  5. Send any request of collection under postman collections folder through Postman
  6. Show data from both mongodb by following all these commands shown below
    -> docker exec -it mongo-container bash
    -> mongosh
    -> show dbs
    -> use bankAccount
    -> show collections
    -> db.eventStore.find({})
  1. Show data from both mysql by following all these commands shown below
    -> docker exec -it mysql-database mysql -uroot -p
    -> Enter password: password defined in database
    -> USE bankAccount
    -> show tables;
    -> SELECT * FROM bank_account;


Click here to show the screenshots of project

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10


Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with CQRS for Account Management Microservices using MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Kafka, Docker, and Maven.




