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Simple and Extensible Facebook Messenger Bot

Cover Photo

Short Demo

Sample demo of The Messenger Bot

Table of Contents


It's a Service-Based Facebook bot that can be developed easily.

You just need to add your own service and it will be discovered (Build a Service).

Technical Features:

Here are additional Key Technical Features implemented into this project.

  • Repository Pattern : Implemented a single integrated DAO API that is exposed to serve the different purpose of operating on data.
  • Service Discovery Pattern and Being Service-Based : This Bot is based on a variety of Services that is Implemented in this platform by default ( e.g. Register, Weather). Also developer can add Any Services with minimum effort by just Adding the config and their service-plugin into the Service section.
  • Caching Data : For performance purposes, I used Redis to cache the data it became more faster with caching methods ( From 100ms to 4ms On my Personal System )
  • Automatic Database Configuration Selection : You can select your own Database you just need to change the DATABASE variable in .env and you're good to go!

Directory Layout

├── config              # Configurations
├── constants           # Constant Variables
├── controllers         # Router Controllers
├── repository          # DAO Repository
├── middlewares         # Express middlewares
├── databases           # Database Core
|    |── mongodb        # Mongoose for MongoDB
|    |── postgresql     # Sequelize for Postgresql
|    └── redis          # Redis Client for Caching
├── router              # Routes and Router
|    |──conversation    # Facebook Webhooks routes
|    └── message        # Messages routes
├── requests            # Third party libraries/services
├── services            # Service Discovery and Services
|    |── user           # User Service
|    |── weather        # Weather Service
|    └── example        # An Example Service to be added by you
├── tests               # Tests
└── utils               # Utility and Handy Functions

Getting Started:

To get the project running first start to clone the project and then follow the instructions :

  1. install the requirements (Installation)
  2. Configure the project (Configuration)
  3. Integrate and Develop any Services you need* (Building a Service)
  4. Run the Project (Usage)
  5. For any more information about End-Points Checkout here* (Documents)

*Optional Instruction

Building a Service:

You can build a service following by these steps:

On this example we are just saying a Hello! and Bye!! to a Registred user

  1. Create a folder in services in the root of the project (e.g. example-service)
  2. Create your services in each seperate file (e.g. subservice1.js,subservice2.js) we will call it subservice.js for the sake of example and subservice.js and import your library and write ur services like below :

Sub-Service function params

  user,// instance of "User" model in database models
  message,// message sent by user
  quick_response,//response of quick reply sent by user (is "null" if doesn't exist)
  routes,//routes that defined in the sub-service export array
  returnToManager//returns to Service Manager for further processes
  //Process the message & quick_response
  //Update user state to be proceed [Required to be Proceed]
  //Call the returnToManager to get back to Service Manager Immidiately


const { User } = require("../../repository");
const {
  messenger: { sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping },
  //Add your request to third-party services here like -> example: { exampleRequest }
} = require("../../requests");

async function sayHello(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
  const userRepository = new User(user);
  try {
    // make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
    await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Hello!");
    await userRepository.updateState(; // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
  } catch (error) {
    //Error of the messenger and Databases

async function sayBye(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
  const userRepository = new User(user);
  try {
    // make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
    await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Where do you live?");
    await userRepository.updateState(; // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
  } catch (error) {
    //Error of the messenger and Databases
  1. Export your Sub-Services at the end of the file in this format:
module.exports = Array(
    title: String,              //Title of your Service
    route: String,              //Current route of the sub-service ( attention: it should not conflict with other routes of other service and sub-services; For best practice you can follow this pattern for your routes -> /SERVICE_NAME/SUB_SERVICE_FUNCTION_NAME)
    routes: {
      previous: String,
      next: String,
      //Add other routes if you need one here ( an empty string means that it will get "automatically" processed if he's registred then will get to the main menu otherwise it will go to the Registration process )
    service: askCity,
    hidden: false,              //To be hide or not in the Main Menu
  //Add other sub-services if needed here
  1. The final subservice.js would be like this:
const { User } = require("../../repository");
const {
  messenger: { sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping },
  //Add your request to third-party services here like -> example: { exampleRequest }
} = require("../../requests");

async function sayHello(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
  const userRepository = new User(user);
  try {
    // make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
    await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Hello!");
    await userRepository.updateState(; // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
  } catch (error) {
    //Error of the messenger and Databases

async function sayBye(user, message, quick_response, routes, returnToManager) {
  const userRepository = new User(user);
  try {
    // make your calls to the requests here like -> await exampleRequest();
    await sendMessageWithSeenAndTyping(user.sender_id, "Where do you live?");
    await userRepository.updateState(; // Update the user state and set it the next route so the user can proceed.
  } catch (error) {
    //Error of the messenger and Databases
module.exports = [
    title: "Say Hello and Bye",
    route: "/weather/sayHello",
    routes: {
      previous: "",
      next: "/weather/sayBye",
    service: sayHello,
    hidden: false,
    title: "",
    route: "/weather/sayBye",
    routes: {
      previous: "/weather/sayHello",
      next: "",
    service: sayBye,
    hidden: true,
  1. Then create a index.js file in root of your service directory and require and export all of your subservices in an Array:
  // require('./subservice1'),
  // require('./subservice2')


  • Install required packages
npm i


  • Copy and modify .env file for Environment Variables
cp .env.example .env
  • Configuration Table in .env File :
  1. Messenger Configurations
Configuration Key Title Description
MESSENGER_BOT_VERIFICATION_TOKEN Verification token Messenger bot settings on Facebook when Verifying URL callback
MESSENGER_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN Access token Messenger bot settings on Facebook when Generating Access Token
  1. Database Configurations
Configuration Key / Category Title Description
General - -
DATABASE Database Type You can select either MONGODB or POSTGRESQL but anything else would endup on MONGODB
Postgresql - -
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_PORT Database Port Database Port
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
Postgresql Test Environment - -
POSTGRESQL_TEST_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
POSTGRESQL_TEST_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
POSTGRESQL_TEST_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
POSTGRESQL_TEST_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
MongoDB - -
MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
MONGODB_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
MONGODB_DATABASE_PORT Database Port Database Port
MONGODB_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
MONGODB_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
MongoDB Test Environment - -
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_PORT Database Port Database Port
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
MONGODB_TEST_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
Redis - -
REDIS_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
REDIS_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
REDIS_DATABASE_PORT Database Port Database Port
REDIS_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
REDIS_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
Redis Test Environment - -
REDIS_TEST_DATABASE_NAME Database Name The database you are connecting to
REDIS_TEST_DATABASE_HOST Database Host The IP or name of the host that database is on it
REDIS_TEST_DATABASE_PORT Database Port Database Port
REDIS_TEST_DATABASE_USER Database Username Database Username
REDIS_TEST_DATABASE_PASS Database Password Database Password
  1. Router Configurations
Configuration Key / Category Title Description
Weather - -
ROUTER_PORT Listen Port Port that router will listen on
  1. Service Configurations
Configuration Key / Category Title Description
Weather - -
WEATHER_SERVICE_API_KEY API Key API Key of the "Weather" Service
Service1 - -
SERVICE1_SERVICE_API_KEY API Key API Key of the "Service1" Service
SERVICE1_SERVICE_EXAMPLE Example variable Example variable of the "Service1" Service


  • Run the project
npm start
  • For the development purposes
npm i -g nodemon
npm run dev
  • For the deployment purposes
docker-compose up -d


  • Run the tests
npm test
  • For coverage run
npm run coverage


  • For generate and serve documents
npm run doc