Basic Todo Application
Deployed Link:
- Add tasks in both online and offline mode.
- View tasks in both online and offline mode.
- Update tasks in both online and offline mode.
- Delete tasks in both online and offline mode.
- Search functionality in online mode.
- Filter functionality in online mode.
- when came back from offline to online ls data sync to server.
- Fully Responsive websites in mobile view.
- Interactive Todo List
- For designing used sass.
- Local Storage Integration:
- Usage of Bootstrap for Home Page.
- Angular toaster used for success message.
- translator implement in navbar for different language.
- ck editor used for title and description.
- Angular
- Typescript
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
- Html
- Localstorage
- Firebase
Following are the major dependencies of the project:
- angular core
- angular forms module
- Angular HTTP Client Module
- CKEditor 5 Classic Build
- ngx-translate/core
- ngx-toastr
1.Install Angular CLI : npm install -g @angular/cli 2. Run the Application : ng serve --open 3. Go to or view :