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JavaScript testrunner for Vert.x with a port of QUnit and Sinon

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Vert.x JavaScript Testrunner

Built on QUnit and Sinon.JS

This module contains ports of the QUnit and [Sinon.JS] ( JavaScript testing frameworks for the Vert.x platform, supplemented by an easy to use testrunner.

Getting Started


Simply run the module with vertx runmod mohlemeyer~vertxQunitSinon-{version} (see the Vert.x module registry for the latest available release). This will install the module and immediately run the unit tests.

Set up Your Test Module

Create a test module which will hold your test scripts and include the QUnit/Sinon module mohlemeyer~vertxQunitSinon-{version} as a resource.

In your test module write a short script as the main to start the testrunner. In its simplest form this might be a file in your top level directory with the following contents:

var container = require('vertx/container');
var runTests = require('jslibs/qunit/vertxTestRnr');

  function () {

Then write your test scripts in familiar QUnit/Sinon fashion. Per default, all files in your test module starting with test_ and ending with .js will be sequentially loaded and executed by the testrunner. Test results will be printed to the console. A simple test script might look like this:

QUnit.module('FirstUnitTests');    // Always use "QUnit.module", not just "module"
test('should pass', function () {
  var fSpied = sinon.spy();
  ok(fSpied.calledOnce, 'called once');

Finally run your tests as usual by calling vertx runmod {name of your testmodule}.

A Little More Detail

Configuring the Testrunner

For the following description the testrunner is assumed to be included by the statement:

var runTests = require('jslibs/qunit/vertxTestRnr');

The testrunner is then started by:

runTests(config, callback);

where config is an optional configuration object and callback is a function which is called after all tests are completed.

Configuration Object

The following properties are recognized for the configuration object:

  • config.startDir: Start directory from which to recurse into subdirectories to find testfiles. Maximum directory recursion depth is arbitrarily set fixed to 99.

NOTE: The default start directory . denotes the module's root directory, provided the test module is started with preserve-cwd set to false.

  • config.testFilePattern: String representation of a regular expression to identify testfiles in the start directory and alls subdirectories. The default value is ^test_.+\\.js$, which will find files starting with test_ and ending with .js.

NOTE: Always use a specific testfile pattern, not something generic like test_.*, because the testrunner might find files you would not expect, e.g. artifacts from your version control system in "hidden" directories.

  • config.silent: Flag to suppress console output. Default is false.


The callback function receives the test results as a JUnit compatible XML string as its single argument. A typical use case would be to write the JUnit test results into some file, which can then be picked up by your favorite CI tool:

  function (jUnitResult) {
    vertx.fileSystem.writeFileSync({Path_to_JUnit_Testfile}, jUnitResult);

Writing Tests

The individual test files are imported by the testrunner using the load command (in contrast to require), which has some notable implications:

  • The testfiles will not be treated as CommonJS modules, i.e. they share the same context and globals and they should not export anything.
  • The testrunner sets up some global variables variables which can be directly used in your test files without importing them by require. These are
    • vertx: The central vertx object.
    • console: The vertx console.
    • sinon: The Sinon.JS object providing access to spies, stubs etc.
    • QUnit: The QUnit object providing access to the QUnit functionality. Nearly all QUnit assert and test commands are provided in the global namespace, too. The only exception is the module command since that is a reserved word in a CommonJS environment. As a consequence you have to write QUnit.module instead of simply module when structuring your tests into QUnit modules.
  • Although the test files are not themselves CommonJS modules they can (and should) import other modules via require. Very probably the very first statement in your test files is a require for the code/library to test.

About the Module

As noted in the introduction this Vert.x module represents just a thin wrapper for the QUnit and Sinon.JS libraries to make them compatible with the Vert.x runtime environment. You will find the code with the required modifications in the qunit and sinon subdirectories respectively. The original files are kept for easy comparison with the modified ones. They have a _ORIG suffix in their file name.

Just a few files like the testrunner or a special sinon loader were written from scratch.


The code is in a Works for me state.

Above that it was possible to port most of the QUnit self tests, so there might be a little more trust in the correct functioning of this test framework on Vert.x. To run the tests for QUnit start this module with vertx runmod mohlemeyer~vertxQunitSinon-{version}. The main is set to the startup script for the testrunner. Test results will be printed to the console and written as JUnit output to ./jslibs/qunit/test/testresult/test.xml.

To my regret the unit tests for Sinon.JS could not be easily ported to Vert.x since (at least on node) they seem to require some parts of the Buster.JS testing toolkit which is not (yet) available for Vert.x. If you like to contribute, this might be good place to start: Write some QUnit unit tests for Sinon.JS. Until then: Be especially careful when using the Sinon.JS parts of this module. It has proven to be useful for me with spies and stubs but I have obviously only used a very small part of the Sinon.JS library. If you encounter problems: You're on your own!

Credits, Responsibility, Disclaimer

For the most part this Vert.x module contains work of the authors/contributors of the QUnit and Sinon.JS testing frameworks. For everything that works, the credits go to the people who make these great tools available as open source.

The author of this module takes responsibility for porting the tools above to Vert.x and for creating a context to make them easily accessible on the Vert.x platform with the following notice:

The author provides the code for this Vert.x module "as is". If you use it, you do so at your own risk! The author makes no warranties as to performance, correctness, fitness for a particular purpose, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied.


JavaScript testrunner for Vert.x with a port of QUnit and Sinon






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