A part of the Factoríaf5 Bootcamp projects, I created this template for an online videogames shop.
Live preview here: https://moisesmena.github.io/moi-shop/
You can check the shop flow: from the landing page to catalog and product description.
What you need to work on my project:
A code editor and a browser, easy! This project includes one HTML, CSS and JavaScript file.
Clone 'moi-shop' repository from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/mmena4/moi-shop.git
- HTML 5 - The to create the index
- CSS 3 - Used to generate the style
- JavaScript - Used to create logic
Happy to grow the 'Moi Shopr' project! Want to contribute? please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on community code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to me.
- Moisés Mena - Whole project - Moises Git Hub
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Many thanks to Factoríaf5 for proposing me to do this exercise as part of the bootcamp Barcelona 20/21
- Thanks Sergi Virgili Sergi GitHub for your help during the whole process
- Thanks to all my Factoríaf5 colleagues for their support ❤️