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create webhooks server & generate certificate, this example aim to add default quota values for deployment if the namespace added resourcequotas

build webhook

  • build lb-webhook

make certs depends on, you must install it before make certs

> cd kube-webhooks/cmd/lb-webhook
> make relase=v1.7.0 # v1.7.0 is the image tag you want
  • generate certs

the scripts will generate certs and admissionregistration.yaml secret.yaml files

> cd scripts
> make URL=lb-webhook.default.svc  #URL is the webhook dns of kubernetes
  • deploy

the deployments directory includes deploy files, admissionregistration.yaml is a MutatingWebhookConfiguration Object, it's caBundle should use the ca.crt file with bas64. secret.yaml include certs information, you should use ca.crt server.crt server.key's base64 value fill ca.crt server.crt server.key

kubectl apply -f admissionregistration.yaml
kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  • test
kubectl apply -f demo-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f quota.yaml
kubectl apply -f test-fail.yaml #this case will fail, because the deployment not include `io.wise2c.service.type` label
kubectl apply -f test-success.yaml