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Maurice edited this page Nov 10, 2022 · 18 revisions


  • Python 3.9 or so, including pip
  • git
  • java
  • Saxon (java)

Required Python packages should mostly be installed by installer (during pip install, see below).

  • openpyxml (I will move code that requires this module to a separate module in the future)
  • PIL (I might move code that requires this module to a separate module in the future)
  • MpApi (not installed automatically at the moment, see

Getting/updating Python package from Github using git

Only first time:

git clone

This step creates a new dir called zml2lido. I call this dir script_dir. You will need to invoke the lido pipeline script typically in this directory.

N.B.: the package has three different directories called zml2lido. Take the highest one in the directory.

Updating files from zml2lido git

cd zml2lido # change to script_dir git pull

Install Python stuff (needs to be repeated with some more deeper updates) in script_dir:

pip install -e .

Install Saxon (java version) in dir of your choice and leave that dir in the configuration file only first time. We assume that java is in the path.

Configuration file

create a directory zml2lido/sdata

mkdir sdata

The directory sdata is used to save lido files, also location for the config file.

Make a config file with the location of saxon on your system. Here is how my config file looks:

$script_dir/sdata/lido.conf: saxLib = r"C:\m3\SaxonHE10-5J\saxon-he-10.5.jar"

Test lido pipeline script

lido -h

If there is a problem with the installation it reports an error; on success it shows something like this:

 C:\m3\zml2lido>lido -h
 usage: lido [-h] [-c] -i INPUT -j JOB [-f] [-v]

 Little LIDO toolchain

 optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --chunks          expect the input to be multiple precisely-named chunks
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        zml input file
  -j JOB, --job JOB     pick job (e.g. smb or dd)
  -f, --force           force overwrite existing lido
  -v, --validate        validate lido
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