Momentum UI Web Components
is a resuable, component based, flexible Web Component library available as
npm module. It provides set of UI components and utilities based on Momentum Design.
Checkout the documentation for documentation and live examples at
- Independent — pick and use only the components you need.
- Customizable — properties allow many different config options to suit your app.
- Performant - high performance guaranteed with use of CSS3 Flexbox and non-bloated architecture.
- Reliable — each component is rigorously tested.
- yarn - BSD-2-Clause
lit-element - MIT
lit-html - MIT
- @momentum-ui/core - MIT
- @momentum-ui/icons - MIT
- babili - MIT
- eslint - MIT
- stylelint - MIT
Want to use web components within the create-react-app? Navigate to React Usage Instructions for detailed instructions.
Want to contribute? Why not go through Developer's Guide to understand more technical details about the project and contribution guidelines to be adhered.
Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco Systems