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Anything related to programming is fine! Though likewise, anything else is okay too but don't overdo it.
If you'd like, though The Wired is vast, and it's possible you could end up in another plane of it.
Try this.
This is a list of the best programming resources on the web, put together by people with too much time on their hands.
##Online Compilers/IDEs
- Ideone Allows you to run, compile and share code in many languages.
- repl.it Interactive read-eval-print loops for mostly functional languages. Sparse features, but allows sharing and playback.
- Runnable Allows you to create an anonymous GNU/Linux sandbox with full root access and install whatever you'd like. These can then be shared with others. Amazing service.
- Koding Similar to Runnable, but requires login and your VM is saved. Just like having a virtual machine in the browser. Allows SSH access. Full root access.
- PasteRack Specifically for Racket, even works with graphical programs.
- lpaste Lightweight pastebin designed for Haskell but supports many languages.
- FPComplete Complete learning center for Haskell, just... wow.
- Godbolt Shows the assembly output of many C compilers for a given program. Handy for debugging and optimization.
##Learning Resources/Books
- Rosetta Code Details solutions for many problems in many languages. Good to consult for reference when working with an unfamiliar language.
- Free programming books A large list of many free programming books.
- C Programming I learned C from this and K&R many years ago. Recommend it I guess.
- C++ The definitive reference for C++.
- Hoogle Haskell API search engine!
- HTDP Classic book for learning about program architecture.
- SICP The full text of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, free to read online! One of the best books for learning how to program.
- K&R The definitive introduction to one of the most widely used languages in the world. A good introduction to programming.
- TC++PL A comprehensive overview of C++ by its creator.
##Text Editors
- Emacs Emacs is probably the most flexible editor in the world.
- Vim Classic UNIX text editor, improved.
- Atom The next generation of text editors, inspired by Sublime Text and built by Github. Be sure to disable metrics.
- Geany Lightweight GTK text editor with a good amount of features. Has poor support for adding new languages.
##Source code hosting
- GitLab Has free private repositories.
- GitHub Used by everyone. No private repositories without paying.
- Or roll your own, which is very easy.
- Asciinema Record and share your terminal session!