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Releases: moncho/dry


29 Mar 21:52
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Scrolling on the main screens feels more natural, both when using the arrows to change the cursor position and when removing elements from the list.

Dry does a better job now to keep information shown up-to-date, even when containers are created/removed externally.

Pressing [g]/[G] on a list takes the cursor to the start/bottom of the list respectively.


22 Mar 20:10
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Added a monitor mode, to show runtime information of running Docker containers in one place.

Monitor mode can be activated when launching dry by using a flag: dry -m. It can also be activated at any moment once dry is running by pressing the m key to go to the monitor screen.


23 Feb 00:02
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This release brings some fairly big visual changes to dry user interface. The color theme of dry is now loosely inspired by Atom's dark theme.

Additional changes

Prune command is now binded to [P].


12 Feb 23:45
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dry is now officially beta, for no good reason other than age.


Added a new screen to show Docker disk usage (#28). [F8].

From this screen, docker system prune command can be run (#29). [Ctrl+p]. Prune command removes unused data, it is a handy way of cleaning up unused resources hold by Docker.


02 Dec 00:11
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Fix problem with container screen not being shown completely after setting a filter.


30 Nov 23:47
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Greatly reduce screen flickering.


20 Nov 12:07
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The container list is now managed differently, instead of asking all the time to the Docker daemon for it, dry now does some effort to keep it updated and reduce its chattiness with the daemon. There is still room for improvement on this regard, though.


  • Added filter capabilities for the container list. [F3]
    The container list can now be filtered to show container whose name passes the specified filter.
  • Added confirmation message for remove-all-stopped-containers action. [Ctrl+E].


#23, #24


29 Aug 23:08
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Minor release.


A few visual changes here and there:

  • Created column removed from container list. Also reduced available space to print image name.
  • Stats + top screen always shows stats information regardless of the amount of processes running.
  • Nicer prompt.
  • Search now moves the cursor to the first search occurrence.


  • Added remove network command. [Ctrl+E].
  • dry now uses pkg/errors for error reporting. Used for now for errors happening on launch.


Release built using the stable version of Go 1.7.


07 Aug 11:50
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This version of dry is the first one built using Go 1.7, which has resulted in a smaller binary size and maybe in some performance improvements (no measure has been done on this).

The capability to use termui widgets has been added. So far this has been used to add the container menu and to improve the stats screen.


  • Pressing [Enter] on a container now shows a menu with the all the commands that can be executed on a container. Exisiting keybinds still work, but this change should make it easier to explore what can be done with dry on a container. #18
  • Improve stats screen to show detailed container information and stats in a nicer way.
  • Remove dangling images with [Ctrl+D]. #19
  • Container inspect now binded to [I], was on [Enter].


dry has been built using Go 1.7 (1.7rc5, the latest beta version available at the time of this writing).

As stated in the 1.7 release notes, changes in the compiler toolchain and standard libraries should result in smaller binaries.

The following table shows a comparison of dry binary sizes (in bytes) using 1.6.3 and 1.7rc5.

os-cpu                1.6.3     1.7       Binary size decrease
dry-darwin-amd64      9666128   7321376   24,26%
dry-freebsd-amd64     9670081   7350169   23,99%
dry-linux-amd64       9666625   7333489   24,14%
dry-windows-amd64     9664000   7298048   24,48%
dry-darwin-386        7629836   6464384   15,27%
dry-freebsd-386       7603305   6457457   15,07%
dry-linux-386         7652591   6473134   15,41%
dry-windows-386       7690752   6481920   15,72%
dry-freebsd-arm       7621922   6647331   12,79%
dry-linux-arm         7613761   6617809   13,08%

So, changing to the Go 1.7 has resulted in, on average, a 24% decrease in binary sizes for x86-64 architectures. Good job, Go team!


19 Jun 23:21
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Minor changes in vendor information.