Releases: mong01/UEF-WH40K-BS
United Earth Federation v1.6
United Earth Federation
Removed leader from ACU.
Fixed detachment.
United Earth Federation v1.5
United Earth Federation
Fixed missing aura for parashield.
United Earth Federation v1.4
United Earth Federation
Heavy plasma gatling cannon changed from AP-2 to AP-1.
United Earth Federation v1.3
United Earth Federation
Fixed overcharge strength.
Removed "very bulky" from ACU, something left over from when it was infantry.
Changed the personal teleporter to work only once and not within engagement range, the latter was an oversight.
United Earth Federation v1.2
United Earth Federation
Changed OC of sky boxer from 2 to 3.
Gave aura to parashield ability.
Fixed damaged for fatboy.
United Earth Federation v1.1
United Earth Federation
Fixed the sky boxer and actually added it, I must've forgotten about it in the break I took.
United Earth Federation v1.0
United Earth Federation
A homebrew I did to get back into it. You know the drill by now, release notes.
Another unique homebrew, an adaptation of the UEF from Supreme Commander into Warhammer, just with some changes to actually make it work.
The UEF are a faction with very powerful shooting but no melee. The simplest unit has the equivalent of a storm bolter and they're all fairly mobile, not much can really be called "slow", but they pay for it with average durability relative to their point costs, favouring toughness or saves over wounds, and again, zero melee outside of big models with the mandatory melee weapons like feet and tracks. Their vehicles are durable with average weapons in comparison. They're kinda similar to imperial guard. If I were to compare them to a hypothetical cybran and aeon homebrew, they would have good up-front durability and take-all-comers units but less tricks and less mobility.
Mechmarines are the basic infantry units of course. The archer and flapjack conflict with each other so instead the archer is now a cheap transport unit, all vehicles will get smoke by default except for a couple of special ones.
One thing I added is a number of alternative weapon choices to add some customisability to rosters, even the simplest factions have some. For example, mongoose squads can take 1 ionized plasma cannon per 5 models.
Mongoose squads are infantry gun specialists, they're relatively fast, relatively fragile and have a lot of guns, a gatling cannon + grenade launcher will wreck infantry and they can take the aforementioned plasma cannon to give them some anti-vehicle power. They're also battleline because mech marines as the single battleline unit felt underwhelming.
Homebrew uses american spelling instead of british spelling because it's based on an american property (ionized, armor, etc.). A bit autistic but who's caring.
The army mechanic centres around keeping ENGINEER units close to units to claim mass points when they're destroyed which you can then spend on various in-battle upgrades. The distance requirement is supposed to encourage a playstyle that isn't just throwing all of your units into the back of the map and shooting everything you can see, so you can gain mass points from destroying enemy units in addition to your own units being destroyed. Originally, I was going to make it possible to create new units with this mechanic but after doing everything else, I've decided to scrap it as it isn't appropriate for this game, maybe in age of sigmar but not this one.
Upgrades are very direct, no wishy-washy abilities but direct improvements to stats. They also don't work on character models unless the character model is alone and they don't work on aircraft, this isn't a choice to nerf aircraft but just a gameplay thing since I don't want them huddling around engineers, I want them to be good enough to use regardless. There's also an option to give a unit a second repair but it's not cheap to avoid unkillable bullshit.
Because there's not a lot of units, I'm keeping detachments low. Either 1 or 3, there's definitely enough units to make both a walker focused detachment and a vehicle focused one at least.
Most vehicles are equipped with additional weapons they don't have in the game, a tank in SupCom having an extra machine gun doesn't make sense but in this game, it does.
The lobo is a light artillery unit. Because there's a number of artillery units and there's really not a lot of ways to do them, the lobo is a small vehicle that you can take in squads. Think of it as a heavy weapons mortar squad on a sentinel chassis.
MA12 striker renamed to just striker, it seems weird that it's one of the only vehicles to have that name.
The riptide being amphibious obviously doesn't have any bearing on 40k so it has FLY instead. It's a fast attack tank with the riot gun pretty much being the better half of a punisher, good for pushing weaker infantry. It intentionally has two machineguns instead of one twin machinegun.
Titans aren't terminators, they're more like the mega infantry units some factions get like tyrant guard and centurions. They're very tough, have good guns and their ability makes them extremely resistant to battleshock. Again, they don't really have melee so they need more care.
Percivals, instead of being somewhat stronger than titans and more expensive like in SupCom, are the anti-vehicle long-range version. They have (relatively) average durability but a very good anti-vehicle weapon and every 1 in 3 can replace it with a heavy plasma gatling cannon, AKA the ravager gun.
Included two keywords, BULKY and VERY BULKY, for the sake of transports. This is because basing it off names and specific units got all messy.
Instead of regular engineers, I'm adding the field engineer unit, Sparky. It can't attach to units but it gets lone operative near them, trying to make it a unit that can join others caused more problems than it was worth. Its riot gun is what makes it unique compared to theoretical engineers from other factions.
The parashield has a single machine gun and therefore is cheap for what it does, a 6" field of -1 to wound for everything ranged (works just by units with less range than it would have because "wholly within" causes a shitstorm). Doesn't get lone operative. Chose -1 to wound over an invulnerable save because it's not as strong as an invulnerable save on certain units and it doesn't overlap with units that already have an invulnerable save so it's not useless for them because that's how it worked in SupCom.
Here's a thing. Despite some units in SupCom having identical weapons, the damage varies wildly. For example, air transports have two riot guns but the damage is nowhere near regular units with riot guns. I'll be swapping the weapons around for these to something weaker.
The striker is as tough as a leman russ but lacks firepower. The pillar isn't much better in that regard but has hefty defences, it's a funny situation where the infantry are damage dealers and the tanks are, you know, tanks.
The sky boxer is a good anti-fly unit and it's fine against land units.
Instead of including the flapjack, I've decided to just include the tier 3 version, the spearhead. The spearhead is just a directly superior version and there's no way to spin it, they're also too similar in terms of size to make a big difference and making one smaller is irrelevant because there's the lobo and etc. Just including the spearhead as an upgraded version of a unit other SupCom factions have would be worth including but including one unit and then a version that's directly superior by 25% BY DESIGN is just completely pointless.
In a similar vein, unless the unit is actually unique, some units will get rolled into one just because they're extremely redundant. For example, the UEF will have its tier 1 and 2 air transports rolled into a single unit and the heavy air transport will stay on its own since it's different enough to justify existing. Also the interceptor/ASF and T2/T3 gunships, they don't justify different datasheets when they're so similar, they could just be loadouts, combined or removed entirely.
Due to the bad implementation of aircraft into the game, until any changes are made, all aircraft will get the hover ability.
The star lifter is a dedicated transport aircraft, the main UEF transports are aircraft instead of land vehicles which is unique. The continental is a regular unit instead of a dedicated transport, it's a bit too "heavy" to be alongside other dedicated transports. Star lifter gets the Firing Deck 12 ability if it's only got mech marines on it, I thought it was cute and also had zero idea what other kind of ability to give it. Named "assisted fire" because calling it by its real name felt a bit too cheeky.
Continentals give the stealth ability until your next turn when a unit disembarks and they can also transport a single parashield or sparky, so if you put some units into the continental then throw it forward and put your units down, you could potentially have a very sudden amount of -1 to hit/-1 to wound models right in the enemies face. Of course, the continental is expensive to compensate for its abilities and powerful statline and it doesn't have many guns itself.
Wasps are the strongest anti-FLY unit in the army. I really wanted this unit to make you feel "if the enemy has aircraft, taking one of these would help a lot" and mathematically, three of these will kick the teeth in out of any aircraft in the game aside from ridiculous stuff like the manta. A thunderhawk is fair game though. The weapons don't have much range so it needs to stay close to the enemy but since it's an aircraft, that's probably not an issue.
No air scouts or spy planes, they have no reason to be added especially when land scouts exist.
The ambassador is a regular bomber, no surprises, but its bomb is strong to make up for the lack of anything else. The janus is also added as an alternative, and slightly weaker, version that works great against large units. To make it clear though, the wasp is more durable than the janus because that's what defines it against an entirely theoretical cybran and aeon homebrew, otherwise they would be the same but with different loadouts and whatnot.
The broadsword has the loadout of both the stinger and the broadsword units, it's a definite GUNship. No transport ability of any kind.
Not really confident with the aircraft prices but I need to make some kind of decision.
UEF also gets the ravager as a fortification. Why not? Nothing else though because this is not that kind of strategy game, you will not be building giant bases of fortifications. The ravager is sorta cheap because it can't move at all and can't control objectives, something GW employees don't seem to realise is a large disadvantage so they price simi...