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Java + Selenium WebDriver + junit + Cucumber Framework

This is framework based od tutorial but with some changes I have made. This was created during the time I was learning Java. There is used Page Object Pattern with Page Factory. In this framework there is exampled test with page objects, steps, resources, fmveatures and so on.



The structure of the Framework is simple.

- cucumber
- dataProvider
- enums
- managers


Default configuration is in the file. Remember: can't be deleted or changed!!. To customize configuration like change driver location, add home page for tests and so on, there is needed to use file (configs folder). This file you have to make from In write just what you want to change. This file is required. If you don't create this file system throws an exception. This configuration is taken to start browser and run tests. ConfigProperties enum, ConfigFileReader enum and Config class (with Builder class) are processing configuration from file. These enums and class are in the src/main/java/dataProvider folder. DriverType enum src/main/java/enums delivers driver for browser set in the configuration file.


In the framework there are two context classes, ScenarioContext and TestContext.

ScenarioContext - sets and gets stored value.
TestContext - allows to get to ScenarioContext and WebDriverManager. It is used, for example, to get driver and use it in PageObjectManager.
WebDriverManager - allows to get driver, create driver for browser and environment.

WebDriverManager class is in the src/main/java/managers

Test Part

Page Object Manager

PageObjectManager is in the src/test/java/managers folder. It contains every Page Object class from pageObjects folder. This allows to create only one instance of class.

Page Objects

Page Objects are in the src/test/java/pageObjects folder. In every page class there are locators to elements and methods.

BasePage - definitions of selenium operations with logger.
HomePage - inherits from BasePage class and gets configuration.


Steps are in the src/test/java/steps folder. Every file has name with sufix Steps like These files in the steps folder are exampled files. In every step file there is PageObjectManager object to get what is needed in the steps.
There is also junit file to do operations before and after tests.

Hooks - class with @Before and @After, here can be set some configuration specific for tests.


Test cases, scenarios are in the folder src/test/resources/features. Tests are written in Gherkin.
There are files with extension .feature.

Feature: ...
    Scenario: ...
        Given ... 
        When  ...
        Then  ...

Data resources

Data for tests can be delivered as json file. Json files are in src/test/resources/testDataResources. In the src/test/resources/testDataTypes there are declared types for every field in the json file. To use data there is class JsonDataReader in the src/test/java/dataProvider which uses both Customer class from testDataTypes and Customer.json file to get and deliver data to the test.

Run the test

To run the test there is TestRunner class in the test/java/runners. After test ends there is generated report in the target/cucumber-report folder. Report is generated as json, xml files and as html page.


To report tests results I used plugin pretty. There is configured json, html and xml report. Reports are generating to target/cucumber-reports.


To make logs I used logback which is based on slf4j. Configure files logback-test.xml and logback.xml are in src/test/resources/ and src/main/resources/config/. Logs are going to log folder as files *.log. To make good logs from test you have to use logger in the files in src/test/. Log is generating every time you run tests. Configuration of this logger can be changed.