Provides a single kernel/ramdisk for all Linux EMI. The EMI is initially booted using kernel / ramdisk.
The ramdisk reads grub ( 1 or 2 ) :
- grub.cfg
- menu.lst
- grub.conf
It will then kexec into the configured kernel. It will also erase partition 2 ( ephemeral disk ) and add it to partition 1 ( / )
Both scripts are modified version of Scott Moser scripts.
The ramdisk is generated on top of ubuntu. You will need to have the following package available as part of your image
- kexec-tools
- cloud-utils ( provides growpart )
- util-linux ( provides sfdisk )
Check out code
Copy all files from conf directory to /etc/initramfs-tools/
cp -ax kexec-loader/conf/* /etc/initramfs-tools
- Update initramfs
update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r`
Bundle / upload / register - kernel / initramdisk pair
growroot resize the root partition but not the FS. By doing it in ramdisk, I get an 80% succes rate, by doing it after boot, I get 100% sucess rate. You can add the following lines as part of your user-data or in rc.local.
rootdisk=`ls /dev/[xvsh]*da`
resize2fs ${rootdisk}1
- Clean up kexec-loader script ( some part of script are not neccesary )
- Create a conf file for growroot ( to enable it or not )