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File metadata and controls

548 lines (403 loc) · 25.6 KB

crow development setup

crow development can mean many things, but if you want to write anything beyond a user script, you'll need to setup the dev environment so you can build binaries. A binary can then be flash to crow using the DFU bootloader over USB. If you want to work on the bootloader itself you'll need an ST-Link and an edge-connector (see below).

Toolchain setup


Get the project

  • git clone --recursive
  • cd crow
  • git submodule update --init nb: will take a while to download


  • make build the project binary (see nb below)
  • make clean remove all binary objects to force a rebuild on next make

I always add the -j flag to make so it runs multi-threaded (as the compile time is over 10s on my machine). So run make -j for fastest build time.


You can get a build environment with Docker on any platform as follows. The --config core.autocrlf setting may be necessary on Windows to deal with line ending issues when mounting the directory into the Docker container.

git clone --recursive --config core.autocrlf=input
cd crow
docker build . -t crow-dev
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/target --entrypoint /bin/bash crow-dev

and then make to build, or use docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/target crow-dev for the container to run make and then exit.

DFU Programmer

Before flashing with DFU, crow must be put into bootloader mode. That can be acheived with any of the following:

  • send ^^b to crow from druid or similar
  • make dfureset linux only, uses stty, assumes crow is on /dev/ttyACM0
  • 'force' the bootloader by bridging i2c pins and resetting crow

There are 2 options for DFU programming crow:

  • dfu-util: make dfu
  • pydfu: make pydfu

This will build the project and then attempt to flash it over the crow USB port.

pydfu is preferred as it has faster upload speeds, and less ambiguous error messaging.

ST-link / Discovery board

Using an st-link, or stm discovery board as the programmer is also possible but you'll need:

Or if you're adventurous, you can get by without the pcb and just wire a 2x3 header directly to the edge connector.

Pinout for SWD port on discovery board (and thus on the edge-piece 1x6pin connector):

  1. VDD target (ie 3v3 from crow)
  2. SWD clock
  3. Ground
  4. SWD data i/o
  5. !Reset
  6. SWO (not connected on crow)

The edge connector pin out is:

  • top-side starting at rear-edge: TRACE, SWD clock, !RST
  • bottom-side starting at rear-edge: 3v3, SWD data, Ground

Once you've got the hardware sorted, you can:

  • make boot build & flash the bootloader
  • make flash build & flash the main program
  • make erase erase the whole program including calibration metadata & userscript


Presently debugging is limited to printf style, and you'll need to solder on the 6pin UART header on the crow module. The reset button is recommended too as it invariably comes in handy.

Any call to printf() will redirect to the UART port. The port communicates at baud of 115200 and other standard settings in serial port connections. I typically use minicom for observing the printout.

If you have suggestions for greater debug controls, I'd love to hear them!

Build process

The makefile is pretty unwieldy, but here's the basic approach:

  1. Run the util/ii_gen.lua script to autogenerate i2c links of anything in lua/ii/* -> results put into build/*
  2. Wrap all remaining .lua files in lua/* and build/* into c-headers with the l2h.lua script
  3. Build the C objects, including the lua VM which is built directly into the binary
  4. Run the linker and create the binary

Then you can upload to crow with make dfu or make flash.

If you want to improve the way lua code is included in the binary see issue #40.

Making a Release

Once new changes are tested & ready for production, follow these steps to provide a new release:

  • git merge all changes to main branch (if there's conflicts, something went wrong & needs more testing). This step can also be done from within github if preferred.
  • (optional) make to ensure there's no errors or warnings
  • edit version.txt with new semantic version & webaddress (you can make a github draft release if needed)
  • git commit -m "release X.X.X"
  • git tag vX.X.X with semantic version
  • git push uploads the changes
  • git push --tags uploads tags (i think this also does a plain git push but am unsure)
  • make clean so new tag will take effect
  • make zip to build all binaries and create the zip archive
  • Make a github Release & upload AND crow.dfu. Describe the release & manually add Changelog
  • (probably) make a new lines thread announcing the release (provides forum for feedback)

Project structure

  • ll/*: all the low-level hardware drivers written in C using STM32 HAL.

  • usbd/*: USB device driver for TTY communication to host.

  • lib/*: hardware-agnostic C APIs to the LL drivers & system functions.

  • lua/*: crow system providing lua APIs to the platform.

  • lua/ii/*: descriptor files for supported i2c devices.

  • util/*: helpers for the build process

  • tests/*: a few tests for the lua scripts

  • build/: a temporary folder for collecting generated sources

Linking C functions and Lua

The file crow/lib/lualink.c contains the interface between the C infrastructure and lua runtime. If you need to extend this interface, a wrapper function should be created and linked in the libCrow struct.

Functions calling from Lua to C must follow the function prototype: static int _function_name( lua_State* L );

Lead your C function with an underscore, and see the Lua docs for how to pass arguments to and from these functions.

Callbacks to Lua are defined at the end of this file, by convention named L_handle_eventname where 'eventname' is your callback's identifier. Each of these callbacks is called through the event system via a function L_queue_eventname.

Your C-code should only call the the L_queue* functions and pipe them through via the crow/lib/events.* system.

Including Lua files in the binary

If you add a new *.lua file to the project at lua/*.lua you'll need to include it in lib/lualink.c so as to have it built into the binary:

When these files are included in the project, their filenames are manipulated automatically, and they're wrapped into long string arrays. Thus if you have a file at lua/example.lua it will be wrapped into lua/example.lua.h and will contain a single char* array with the name lua_example containing the whole lua file as raw text.

To include it in the binary add an #include at the top of the file with .h appended to your *.lua filename (ie. *.lua.h).

To then allow lua's dofile() to find this code, you need to add a link to the struct Lua_libs immediately after the includes. This should contain a string representing the path to the file, where / is replaced by _ and the file extension is dropped. Followed by the array identifier, identical to the string, but without quotes.

Nb: this does not apply to i2c descriptors. They are automatically included!

Flash layout

Crow has 512kB of Flash memory which is segmented as follows:

  • 48kB, DFU bootloader (0x08000000)
  • 16kB, calibration data (0x0800C000)
  • 64kB, user-script (0x08010000)
  • 384kB, crow application (0x08020000)

The DFU bootloader is protected and isn't accessible from the main program. Changing the bootloader requires a hardware programmer (see above).

The calibration data section contains automatic calibration information calculated when the unit is first programmed.

The user-script location is where a crow script can be uploaded to. At present this is simply a lua program as raw text, offset by a single 32bit word. The leading word contains the length of the user-script in bytes, plus a status byte so the system can query whether there is currently a program loaded. If no program is found the system will load the script at lua/default.lua.

The crow application section includes all of the crow standard libraries in lua, along with the C application.

Further technical details in lib/flash.h/c


Crow communicates with a host over a serial port. The C API is in lib/caw.c along with parsing of crow commands (eg. ^^s).

The parser tries to capture complete lua chunks which are queued for later processing. The results of the parsing are handled in main.c's while(1) loop.

Received strings are forwarded through the REPL_eval() function which chooses between 2 functions depending on the REPL state:

  1. Forwards the details to Lua_eval() to be executed immediately.
  2. Forwards to REPL_receive_script() to save the incoming text to a buffer.

In the first case, the incoming serial stream is expected to be a well-formed lua script and is called directly with lua_pcall(). If the script contains errors they will be reported back over the USB port with whatever info is available.

Switching between modes is accomplished by sending a crow command alerting the device that, until further notice, the following serial data should be saved for later use as a full lua script. Once the full script is sent, the user ends with another crow command. On completion of this sequence a number of things happen:

  • crow is restarted to stop the currently running script
  • serial stream is validated for correct lua syntax
  • lua code is loaded with lua_pcall() again checking for errors
  • if using ^^w (not ^^e) stream is saved into flash memory
  • temporary buffer holding the script is destroyed
  • REPL switches back to direct mode, where it will interpret incoming text directly

Communication details

If you're writing a host environment to control/upload to crow, there are some limitations to keep in mind:

The usb connection will break up any messages into 64byte blocks. If you want to send a codeblock longer than this, you need to use the multiline helper. first send a command of 3 backticks "```", then your codeblock, then another 3 backticks. This should be hidden from the end-user. This is limited to 2kB.

For longer chunks where you're uploading a whole script, use the ^^s <code> ^^e sequence to run immediately. Alternatively, use ^^s <code> ^^w if you want to write the script to flash so it persists across power cycles. The code block is limited to 8kB.

There is a known bug on OSX & Windows machines where packets with length equal to a multiple of 64bytes will kill the USB connection. Before sending a packet over USB, check if (length % 64 == 0) and if so, add a trailing newline (\n) character to the stream.


The signal i/o for the input and output jacks happens in the lib/io.c file in IO_BlockProcess(). Signals are generated at ~48kHz. This function processes a block of samples per invocation. The number of samples is available in b->size and is currently 32samples as of this writing.

All signals are processed as floating point numbers representing voltages directly. Thus the range is [-5.0, 10.0] and anything beyond these values will be clipped to the maximum when reaching the output driver.

The IO_block_t type is a struct described in ll/adda.h and should be used to access the signals and metadata in the block processor.

In general, signal processing extensions should be built in C and provide declarative-style hooks to the lua environment. As the signal processing runs at higher priority than the lua environment, this ensures that signal outputs don't run into underruns due to high CPU usage. Accompanying lua libraries to provide lua-style syntax is encouraged (see metro.lua or input.lua for examples).


The input jacks are only sampled once per block, but the b->in[channel][] array is linearly interpolated from block to block. Instantaneous input values are also available directly from the low-level driver to avoid this smoothing, and for access without having to change the block process with IO_GetADC(channel).

The block process passes the input buffers to the Detect library implemented in lib/detect.c which analyse the input for changes that should generate events in the lua environment. Event descriptors are sent from the lua Input library, which define what will cause event interrupts to occur.

Input Dev Roadmap: More detection modes

The principle area of extension for the Input libraries is in the Detect library.

Additional modes will be added specifically covering:

  • pitch detection for implementing tuners / volt-per-octave calibrators
  • amplitude event detection for triggering events based on audio inputs


Outputs are generated directly from the Slope library in lib/slope.c and again the configuration of these slope generators is controlled from lua, via ASL descriptors.

The output vector is generated by the S_step_v() function and will handle breakpoints (ie. when the slope reaches it's destination) by calling into lua to request the next slope description. Note this request will not be returned until the following DSP block due to the event system. See Issue #112.

Output Dev Roadmap: Composite slopes

In future the outputs should be composed of three elements:

  1. offset with a dedicated slew time
  2. actions with an assignable modulation added to offset
  3. pulse functionality overlaid on all of the above

All three of these functions will be implemented as ASL slopes, composed together in the IO_BlockProcess() function.

Output Dev Roadmap: Audio Signals

Crow contains plenty of processing power to be able to implement audio-rate signal processing. Indeed the slopes of the ASL language are audio-rate signal generators themselves! There is a strong desire to extend crow's capabilities to cover some rudimentary audio rate features.

ASL is implemented in a manner that isn't performant when run with breakpoints that occur faster than ~100Hz. One avenue of audio-rate exploration would be to reconfigure the Lua<->C interface of the ASL<->Slope libraries. The intention would be to compile a directly executable descriptor to the C library such that no lua interop would be required at each breakpoint. Please discuss...

Additionally (alternatively?) some kind of dynamic DSP graph implementation could be brought to the platform such that outputs could modally switch between ASL slopes and some yet-to-be-named audio signal generator. Inputs can of course be processed though the input sample-rate is limited as mentioned above.

I2C: Adding support for new devices

In order to encourage wide-ranging support for all i2c capable devices, crow requires only a single file to be added per device. This lua file is a declarative specification of how that device communicates on the i2c bus.

These files live in crow/lua/ii/<device_name>.lua

Beyond the obvious

Take a look at jf.lua as an example which adds support for Mannequins' 'Just Friends' module. This module takes advantage of most of the existing features of the build system.

The first 4 lines are global settings stating this module is called 'just friends', made by 'mannequins' and can be talked to at the hexadecimal address 0x70. The lua_name field must match the filename (jf.lua -> 'jf'), and is the name by which users will refer to this device in their scripts eg: ii.jf.trigger().

NEW in v1.0.3: i2c_address may now be a table of addresses to allow automatic support for devices that support multiple units by using different i2c addresses. eg txI: address = {0x68, 0x69, 0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F} Note that an enumerate list is required (not just a range), and the should be listed in the order that users will address them. In the case of txI, ii.txi[1] will refer to address 0x68.

Following this header is a big table called 'commands' which is itself full of tables, one for each 'setter' command the device can receive. A 'setter' in this context typically allows crow to remotely-control a parameter or event. More generally a 'setter' is any command that doesn't return any values.

  • 'name' is how the user will refer to this command: eg: name=trigger -> ii.jf.trigger()
  • 'cmd' is the number the remote device expects to trigger the 'name'd function. see for a starting point.
  • 'docs' is an optional string describing the functionality of the command.
  • 'args' is a table of tables, each inner-table describing a command argument.
No arguments

In the simplest case, the command doesn't require any arguments, eg: ii.jf.reset() in which case you should omit the 'args' descriptor altogether.

1 argument

If the command expects a single argument you can declare it as a table directly. eg: args = { 'name', type } It is also allowed to use the nested table syntax: args = { { 'name', type } }

2+ arguments

The most general case allows for any number of arguments, each defined as a table within the args table like so:

args = { { 'arg1', type }
       , { 'arg2', type }
What's a type?!

Each argument has both a name and type. The name is purely for documentation, so the user knows at a glance what that argument means. The type refers to the low-level representation of the value.

Available types are:

  • void -- the lack of an argument (typically not needed)
  • u8 -- unsigned 8-bit integer (0,255)
  • s8 -- signed 8-bit integer (-128,127)
  • u16 -- unsigned 16-bit integer (0,65535)
  • s16 -- signed 16-bit integer (-32768, 32767) {teletype's default}
  • s16V -- voltage as signed 16-bit integer (-32768, 32767) {converts teletype to V}
  • float -- 32bit floating point number

u16, s16, and s16V expect MSB before LSB. float is little-endian.

Note s16V is used to bridge from teletype native 16bit integers, and crow's floating point voltage representation. If you typically use N or V teletype operators on that parameter, you want this!

Refer to the documentation or source-code for the device you're supporting to determine what types are used for each argument.


Many devices built for use within the teletype ecosystem have a matching 'getter' to go with each 'setter'. So while JF.RMODE 1 sets 'run_mode' to 1, JF.RMODE without any argument, will query the value of 'run_mode' returning that as a result.

Under the hood, these matching getters & setters are typically given the same 'cmd' value, with the getter offset by 0x80. The last argument in the list is omitted when calling the command, and instead is expected as the return value.

By adding get = true to the setter table, a getter will be auto-generated with the above assumptions.

If you have getters that don't use these conventions, you can articulate them explicitly. >>>


A single function is provided for getting, or querying, any and all values from a connected device. eg: ii.jf.get( name, ... ). To define 'gettable' values, you add them to the 'getters' table in much the same way as the 'commands' table.

  • name is the name by which to query the state
  • cmd is the number corresponding the above name (see your devices docs)
  • docs is an optional string describing what will be returned
  • args is identical to the 'commands' version. can be omitted if no arguments.
  • 'retval' is like a single arg. it should be a table with a string then a type.

Some gotchas

To simplify the build process, the 'lua_name' variable currently must match the name of the .lua file (ie. jf.lua must have lua_name = 'jf')

Supporting custom protocols with the pickle and unpickle params

While the i2c framework in crow is quite elegant, there are a few edge cases & pre-existing devices that just don't fit with the assumptions. To handle these situations, you can use the pickle and unpickle keys to write custom handlers.

The idea is to provide a low-level translation layer from crow's internal i2c representation, into the required bytes on the i2c line. In general, you should keep the i2c descriptor file as similar to the others as possible.

For example, on Telex-I, when crow queries it for a value, it expects the command (what input to grab) and the choice of input to be sent in a single byte. We emulate this by allowing the i2c framework to treat them separately- 1 parameter for command, and a separate parameter for channel, then provide a pickle and unpickle function to do the dirty work of pushing the two bytes together.

, pickle = -- combine command & channel into a single byte & set address
--void pickle( uint8_t* address, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* byte_count );

uint8_t chan = data[1] - 1;  // zero index
data[0] |= (chan & 0x3);     // mask channel
*byte_count = 1;             // packed into a single byte
*address += chan >> 2;       // ascending vals increment address

, unpickle = -- using the same command to parse the response from any channel
-- void unpickle( uint8_t* address, uint8_t* command, uint8_t* data );

*command &= ~0x3;  // use same command for all 4 channels (by discarding 2LSBs)

  • Everything between the [[ and ]] is a multi-line string in Lua
  • The code block in the middle is written in C (see below for fn signature)
  • pickle is for crow -> i2c, while unpickle is i2c -> crow.

The C function signatures for pickle and unpickle are like this, and it's a good idea to include them in the descriptor for reference if you're using them:

void pickle( uint8_t* address, uint8_t* data, uint8_t* byte_count );
void unpickle( uint8_t* address, uint8_t* command, uint8_t* data );

In general, these functions should only be used if the serial protocol isn't working correctly, or there's some kind of low-level hack required to satisfy an existing device. If at all possible, try to avoid using them, and if you're designing a new device, please use the standard protocol!

I2C Roadmap: Descriptor improvements

While extensive, this descriptive framework could be extended to add any or all of the below features. See the github issue #49 for discussion:

  • remove requirement that filename match lua_name
  • lua_name aliases to allow eg: 'jf' or 'justfriends' to access the same table
  • additional argument & return_value types
  • multiple return values (eg: ii.jf.get('retune',1)) could return both num and denom
  • support for per-module lua libraries that are loaded along with the ii bindings when used.

I2C Roadmap: Follower mode

At it's most basic, crow can be treated as a simple expander for the i2c bus. It provides 2 inputs & 4 outputs to extend teletype's IO capabilities. To use these no changes are required to the default setup on crow. Simply use:

CROW.IN a where a is 1 or 2. crow will return the current value of that input. CROW.OUT a b setting output 'a' to the value 'b' CROW.SLEW a b setting the slew rate of output 'a' to the time 'b' CROW.PULSE a performs a pulse on output 'a'

crow has default actions to handle these messages, though like most things in crow they can be redefined for our own purposes by editing the functions in the table ii._c. Try printing the follower-help with for a list of functions that can be redefined.

A crow call

crow is capable of far more than reporting the state of its inputs and setting the output values, but so vast are the possibilities that we couldn't make an i2c command for every one! To deal with this flexibility, we 'CALL' to crow and define the expected function on crow itself.

eg: I want teletype to be able to add a voltage to a given output. There's no way to query the state of crow output via i2c, so we'll need to do it natively on crow itself. Something like:

function add_to_output( channel, amount_to_add )
    output[channel].offset = output[channel].offset + amount_to_add

To execute the above from i2c we use one of the 'CALL' functions, in this case CALL2 as we need to send 2 arguments. There are commands for 1-4 arguments. From teletype: CROW.CALL2 1 V 1 This should add 1 volt to the first output jack on crow.

We can then redefine the function at ii._c.call2() to call our add_to_output() function.

Calling with context

The above function is great when you just want to add a single additional function, but what about if you want to do a number of things that all need 1 argument. In this case you can use CALL with 1 extra argument than your function needs, but use the first number to choose which function to execute.

nb: unfortunately, i don't think we can index this table after naming the functions.

local actions=
{ add_an_octave = function(arg) add_to_output(arg, octave(1.0)) end
, add_a_fifth   = function(arg) add_to_output(arg, semitone(7/12)) end
, add_random    = function(arg) add_to_output(arg, semitone(Math.rand())) end

ii._c.call2 = function(cmd, arg2)

Then on teletype: CROW.CALL2 1 1 adds an octave to output 1 CROW.CALL2 1 2 adds an octave to output 2 CROW.CALL2 2 1 add a fith to output 1 CROW.CALL2 3 4 move output 4 by a random number of semitones