- Évolution depuis la dernière réunion : toolbar, workspace, relation queries, Distribution Map, Blueprint, ...
- Interfaces en Java
- Kind pour les méthodes (Constructor, getter, setter, ...)
- Comportement des queries qui ont une query interne (Negation, Result size) : quel input, tenir compte des parents ou non ?
- Documentation des queries (Help button dédié)
- associations unidirectionelles
- ménage a faire dans toutes les visualizations existantes (et celles a venir)
- meta-description of traits usage in the meta-models
- generation automatique de #accept: pour toutes les entites d'un meta-modele (moosetechnology/Famix#303)
Discuss with Esteban about the user interface of the toolbar
Do the buttons make sense, what is advanced (buses ?) what is basic ?
Be ready to build custom toolbars. See in use.
Must be integrated in the dev version, after moose 9 is released
Reconsider the vocabulary of moose query: not always clear for new commers
Nice, but needs some fine tunning on the display: less space between inner entities, better background color
Needs automatic zoom
Catch error when user write incorrect code, to be able to show something anyway.
Handle double click to expand/ collapse
Choose an order of elements (by type, then by name)
Take care of the backgound: there must be a progression from the view background to the nodes backgounds from white to grey to dark grey
When expanding, attach the box to the mouse, to be able to move it on the canvas
Currently represented as a class with a boolean property isInterface
Better to create FamixJavaInterface:
- Keep inheritance between interfaces
- Introduce implements between classes and interfaces (uses)
Try a generic implementation without symbols
- add implementations specific to each langage
currently handled by #THasKind which will be refactored in a series of method:
- isConstructor
- isGetter
- isSetter
Add children queries in the correct order
Put an help for each query (natural language?)
When "reusing" a child query, we are reusing all its ancestors too