- Stolon Architecture and Components
git clone https://github.com/sorintlab/stolon.git
kubectl run -i -t stolonctl --image=sorintlab/stolon:master-pg10 --restart=Never --rm -- /usr/local/bin/stolonctl --cluster-name=kube-stolon --store-backend=kubernetes --kube-resource-kind=configmap init
cd ~/stolon/examples/kubernetes
kubectl create -f stolon-sentinel.yaml
kubectl create -f secret.yaml
- need to create pvc and pv instead of storage class
- pvc.yaml
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: stolon-pv2
type: local
storage: 20Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
path: "/stolon-pv2"
- pv.yaml
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: stolon-pvc
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 20Gi
kubectl create -f pvc.yaml
kubectl create -f pv.yaml
- need to update stolon-keeper.yaml when storage class "standard" is not privided
kubectl create -f stolon-keeper.yaml
kubectl create -f stolon-proxy.yaml
kubectl create -f stolon-proxy-service.yaml
- connect to PostgreSQL
kubectl get svc
stolon-proxy-service ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 3h
psql --host --port 5432 postgres -U stolon -W # (password1)
- postgres sql sample
create table test (id int primary key not null, value text not null);
insert into test values (1, 'value1');
select * from test ;
- screen shot at portal
stolon-keeper-0 default Running 10.xxx.xxx.217 1/1 9 minutes ago
stolon-keeper-1 default Running 10.xxx.xxx.207 1/1 9 minutes ago
stolon-proxy-69d4cf8c79-qgkfv default Running 10.xxx.xxx.217 1/1 1 minute ago
stolon-proxy-69d4cf8c79-rssg8 default Running 10.xxx.xxx.207 1/1 1 minute ago
stolon-sentinel-5bd96fb8d9-kbjz7 default Running 10.xxx.xxx.217 1/1 1 hour ago
stolon-sentinel-5bd96fb8d9-w47hx default Running 10.xxx.xxx.207 1/1 1 hour ago
- check uid info from phyiscal file
ansible worker -m shell -a "cat /stolon-pv/dbstate"
10.xxx.xxx.217 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
{"UID":"552601a0","Generation":3,"Initializing":false,"InitPGParameters":{"datestyle":"iso, mdy","default_text_search_config":"pg_catalog.english","dynamic_shared_memory_type":"posix","hot_standby":"on","lc_messages":"en_US.utf8","lc_monetary":"en_US.utf8","lc_numeric":"en_US.utf8","lc_time":"en_US.utf8","listen_addresses":",","log_timezone":"UTC","max_connections":"100","max_replication_slots":"20","max_wal_senders":"47","port":"5432","shared_buffers":"128MB","synchronous_standby_names":"","timezone":"UTC","unix_socket_directories":"/tmp","wal_keep_segments":"8","wal_level":"replica"}}
10.xxx.xxx.207 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
* need to check "552601a0"
- check logs : master
kubectl logs -f stolon-keeper-0 -c stolon-keeper -n default
2018-10-31T07:02:42.831Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
2018-10-31T07:02:42.832Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1425 already master
2018-10-31T07:02:42.845Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:02:42.845Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:02:47.865Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
* keeper0 is master
- check logs : standby
kubectl logs -f stolon-keeper-1 -c stolon-keeper -n default
2018-10-31T07:04:25.680Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1439 our db requested role is standby {"followedDB": "552601a0"}
2018-10-31T07:04:25.695Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:04:25.694Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:04:30.717Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1458 already standby
* keeper1 is standby
- stop keep0 using portal "remove" pod
2018-10-31 07:19:08.639 UTC [7456] FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command
2018-10-31 07:19:08.639 UTC [76] LOG: aborting any active transactions
2018-10-31 07:19:08.641 UTC [76] LOG: worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 83) exited with exit code 1
2018-10-31 07:19:08.641 UTC [78] LOG: shutting down
2018-10-31 07:19:08.700 UTC [76] LOG: database system is shut down
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
2018-10-31T07:19:21.789Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1911 exclusive lock on data dir taken
2018-10-31T07:19:21.788Z WARN cmd/keeper.go:162 password file permissions are too open. This file should only be readable to the user executing stolon! Continuing... {"file": "/etc/secrets/stolon/password", "mode": "01000000777"}
2018-10-31T07:19:21.790Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:492 keeper uid {"uid": "keeper0"}
2018-10-31T07:19:21.809Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:19:21.824Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:990 our db boot UID is different than the cluster data one, waiting for it to be updated {"bootUUID": "dfc92e72-0b16-4642-aa07-d4967e3b902f", "clusterBootUUID": "ba3e1016-1e98-4a6e-a865-d76f2a06b4c8"}
2018-10-31T07:19:24.310Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:19:26.811Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:19:26.842Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
2018-10-31T07:19:26.856Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:307 starting database
2018-10-31 07:19:26.873 UTC [44] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2018-10-31 07:19:26.880 UTC [44] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2018-10-31 07:19:26.883 UTC [44] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2018-10-31 07:19:26.905 UTC [46] LOG: database system was shut down at 2018-10-31 07:19:08 UTC
2018-10-31 07:19:26.912 UTC [44] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
2018-10-31T07:19:27.064Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1425 already master
2018-10-31T07:19:27.081Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:19:27.081Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31 07:19:28.511 UTC [59] LOG: incomplete startup packet
2018-10-31 07:19:28.587 UTC [60] LOG: incomplete startup packet
* keeper0 is automatically restarted by kubernetes as a master
- making a failure that pod can not be restarted automatically
kubectl delete statefulset stolon-keeper --cascade=false
statefulset.apps "stolon-keeper" deleted
kubectl get pods -n default
ibm-postgres-dev-ibm-postgres-dev-677f84fdfc-tn5xs 1/1 Running 0 2h
stolon-keeper-0 1/1 Running 0 3m
stolon-keeper-1 1/1 Running 0 51m
- check the database
psql --host --port 5432 postgres -U stolon -W #password1
Password for user stolon:
psql (9.5.14, server 10.5 (Debian 10.5-2.pgdg90+1))
WARNING: psql major version 9.5, server major version 10.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# select * from test ;
id | value
1 | value1
2 | value1
3 | value1
4 | value1
5 | value1
6 | value1
7 | value1
8 | value1
(8 rows)
- delete master pod during no stateful, it's for not restarted automatically
kubectl delete pod stolon-keeper-0
kubectl get pods -n default
stolon-keeper-1 1/1 Running 0 57m
- check the switching keeper
2018-10-31T07:25:55.908Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1458 already standby
2018-10-31T07:25:55.923Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:25:55.923Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:26:00.942Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
2018-10-31T07:26:00.943Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1418 promoting to master
2018-10-31T07:26:00.943Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:501 promoting database
2018-10-31 07:26:00.947 UTC [391] LOG: received promote request
2018-10-31 07:26:00.948 UTC [1274] FATAL: terminating walreceiver process due to administrator command
2018-10-31 07:26:00.948 UTC [391] LOG: redo done at 0/50002C8
2018-10-31 07:26:00.975 UTC [391] LOG: selected new timeline ID: 2
2018-10-31 07:26:01.257 UTC [391] LOG: archive recovery complete
2018-10-31 07:26:01.298 UTC [390] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
waiting for server to promote.... done
server promoted
2018-10-31T07:26:01.362Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:26:01.362Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:26:06.431Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
2018-10-31T07:26:06.433Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1425 already master
2018-10-31T07:26:06.437Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:910 creating replication slot {"slot": "stolon_653e0a65"}
2018-10-31T07:26:06.482Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:26:06.482Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
* check standby --> master
- re-create the stateful
kubectl create -f stolon-keeper.yaml
2018-10-31T07:25:20.330Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:25:25.354Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1389 our db requested role is master
2018-10-31T07:25:25.355Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1425 already master
2018-10-31T07:25:25.370Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:25:25.370Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31 07:25:28.511 UTC [1002] LOG: incomplete startup packet
2018-10-31 07:25:28.586 UTC [1003] LOG: incomplete startup packet
2018-10-31T07:25:30.358Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:372 stopping database
2018-10-31 07:25:30.359 UTC [44] LOG: received fast shutdown request
2018-10-31 07:25:30.361 UTC [44] LOG: aborting any active transactions
2018-10-31 07:25:30.363 UTC [44] LOG: worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 52) exited with exit code 1
2018-10-31 07:25:30.365 UTC [47] LOG: shutting down
2018-10-31 07:25:30.407 UTC [44] LOG: database system is shut down
server stopped
waiting for server to shut down.... done
2018-10-31T07:30:50.846Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:492 keeper uid {"uid": "keeper0"}
2018-10-31T07:30:50.844Z WARN cmd/keeper.go:162 password file permissions are too open. This file should only be readable to the user executing stolon! Continuing... {"file": "/etc/secrets/stolon/password", "mode": "01000000777"}
2018-10-31T07:30:50.844Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1911 exclusive lock on data dir taken
2018-10-31T07:30:50.869Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:30:50.874Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:982 no db assigned
2018-10-31T07:30:53.370Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:30:55.870Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:30:55.880Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1037 current db UID different than cluster data db UID {"db": "552601a0", "cdDB": "c9bb276a"}
2018-10-31T07:30:55.880Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1190 resyncing the database cluster
2018-10-31T07:30:55.971Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:827 syncing from followed db {"followedDB": "164cb2ca", "keeper": "keeper2"}
2018-10-31T07:30:55.972Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:824 running pg_basebackup
pg_basebackup: removing data directory "/stolon-data/postgres"
pg_basebackup: could not connect to server: could not connect to server: Connection timed out
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
2018-10-31T07:33:03.205Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1253 failed to resync from followed instance {"error": "sync error: error: exit status 1"}
2018-10-31T07:33:08.211Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1006 db failed to initialize or resync
2018-10-31T07:33:08.228Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1037 current db UID different than cluster data db UID {"db": "", "cdDB": "c9bb276a"}
2018-10-31T07:33:08.228Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1190 resyncing the database cluster
2018-10-31T07:33:08.241Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1215 database cluster not initialized
2018-10-31T07:33:08.252Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:827 syncing from followed db {"followedDB": "653e0a65", "keeper": "keeper1"}
2018-10-31T07:33:08.253Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:824 running pg_basebackup
WARNING: skipping special file "./postgresql.auto.conf"
2018-10-31T07:33:10.891Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:641 cannot get configured pg parameters {"error": "dial unix /tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432: connect: no such file or directory"}
2018-10-31T07:33:11.654Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:833 sync succeeded
2018-10-31T07:33:11.719Z INFO postgresql/postgresql.go:307 starting database
2018-10-31 07:33:11.808 UTC [86] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2018-10-31 07:33:11.812 UTC [86] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2018-10-31 07:33:11.815 UTC [86] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2018-10-31 07:33:11.835 UTC [87] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2018-10-31 07:33:08 UTC
2018-10-31 07:33:11.915 UTC [87] LOG: entering standby mode
2018-10-31T07:33:11.931Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1458 already standby
2018-10-31T07:33:11.931Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1439 our db requested role is standby {"followedDB": "653e0a65"}
2018-10-31T07:33:11.934Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1501 error updating replication slots {"error": "pq: the database system is starting up"}
2018-10-31T07:33:11.934Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:924 failed to get replication slots {"error": "pq: the database system is starting up"}
2018-10-31 07:33:11.934 UTC [91] FATAL: the database system is starting up
2018-10-31T07:33:11.942Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:33:11.942Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31 07:33:11.949 UTC [87] LOG: redo starts at 0/6000028
2018-10-31 07:33:11.958 UTC [87] LOG: consistent recovery state reached at 0/6000130
2018-10-31 07:33:11.958 UTC [86] LOG: database system is ready to accept read only connections
2018-10-31 07:33:11.971 UTC [96] LOG: started streaming WAL from primary at 0/7000000 on timeline 3
2018-10-31T07:33:16.973Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1458 already standby
2018-10-31T07:33:16.973Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1439 our db requested role is standby {"followedDB": "653e0a65"}
2018-10-31T07:33:16.989Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1584 postgres hba entries not changed
2018-10-31T07:33:16.988Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1557 postgres parameters not changed
2018-10-31T07:33:22.033Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1439 our db requested role is standby {"followedDB": "653e0a65"}
2018-10-31T07:33:22.033Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1458 already standby
* need to check "653e0a65"
- check the physical file for uid
ansible worker -m shell -a "cat /stolon-pv/dbstate"
10.xxx.xxx.217 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
10.xxx.xxx.207 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
* need to check "653e0a65"
- Initializing the database
kubectl run -i -t stolonctl --image=sorintlab/stolon:master-pg10 --restart=Never --rm -- /usr/local/bin/stolonctl --cluster-name=kube-stolon --store-backend=kubernetes --kube-resource-kind=configmap init
ansible worker -m shell -a "cat /stolon-pv/dbstate"
10.xxx.xxx.207 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
10.xxx.xxx.217 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
{"UID":"28e1748d","Generation":3,"Initializing":false,"InitPGParameters":{"datestyle":"iso, mdy","default_text_search_config":"pg_catalog.english","dynamic_shared_memory_type":"posix","hot_standby":"on","lc_messages":"en_US.utf8","lc_monetary":"en_US.utf8","lc_numeric":"en_US.utf8","lc_time":"en_US.utf8","listen_addresses":",","log_timezone":"UTC","max_connections":"100","max_replication_slots":"20","max_wal_senders":"47","port":"5432","shared_buffers":"128MB","synchronous_standby_names":"","timezone":"UTC","unix_socket_directories":"/tmp","wal_keep_segments":"8","wal_level":"replica"}}
sql command
\c postgres
CREATE TABLE icp01 (a text , b text) ;
INSERT INTO icp01 values ('aaaa', 217) ;
INSERT INTO icp01 values ('aaaa', 221) ;
INSERT INTO icp01 values ('aaaa', 239) ;
INSERT INTO icp01 values ('bbbb', 2) ;
SELECT * FROM icp01 ;