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page-cli Build Status npm package

A simple CLI for scaffolding gitpage projects.


Prerequisites: Node.js (>=6.x, 8.x preferred), npm version 3+ and Git.

$ npm install -g @motebus/page-cli


$ page init <template-name> <project-name>


$ page init helloworld my-project

The above command pulls the template from motebus/helloworld, prompts for some information, and generates the project at ./my-project/.

page build

Use page-cli as a zero-configuration development tool for your Vue apps and component, check out the docs.

Official Templates

The purpose of official Vue project templates are to provide opinionated, battery-included development tooling setups so that users can get started with actual app code as fast as possible. However, these templates are un-opinionated in terms of how you structure your app code and what libraries you use in addition to Vue.js.

All official project templates are repos in the motebus organization. When a new template is added to the organization, you will be able to run page init <template-name> <project-name> to use that template. You can also run page list to see all available official templates.

Current available templates include:

  • helloworld - A simple Page setup for quick prototyping.

Custom Templates

It's unlikely to make everyone happy with the official templates. You can simply fork an official template and then use it via page-cli with:

page init username/repo my-project

Where username/repo is the GitHub repo shorthand for your fork.

The shorthand repo notation is passed to download-git-repo so you can also use things like bitbucket:username/repo for a Bitbucket repo and username/repo#branch for tags or branches.

If you would like to download from a private repository use the --clone flag and the cli will use git clone so your SSH keys are used.

Local Templates

Instead of a GitHub repo, you can also use a template on your local file system:

page init ~/fs/path/to-custom-template my-project

Writing Custom Templates from Scratch

  • A template repo must have a template directory that holds the template files.

  • A template repo may have a metadata file for the template which can be either a meta.js or meta.json file. It can contain the following fields:

    • prompts: used to collect user options data;

    • filters: used to conditional filter files to render.

    • metalsmith: used to add custom metalsmith plugins in the chain.

    • completeMessage: the message to be displayed to the user when the template has been generated. You can include custom instruction here.

    • complete: Instead of using completeMessage, you can use a function to run stuffs when the template has been generated.


The prompts field in the metadata file should be an object hash containing prompts for the user. For each entry, the key is the variable name and the value is an Inquirer.js question object. Example:

  "prompts": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "message": "Project name"

After all prompts are finished, all files inside template will be rendered using Handlebars, with the prompt results as the data.

Conditional Prompts

A prompt can be made conditional by adding a when field, which should be a JavaScript expression evaluated with data collected from previous prompts. For example:

  "prompts": {
    "lint": {
      "type": "confirm",
      "message": "Use a linter?"
    "lintConfig": {
      "when": "lint",
      "type": "list",
      "message": "Pick a lint config",
      "choices": [

The prompt for lintConfig will only be triggered when the user answered yes to the lint prompt.

Pre-registered Handlebars Helpers

Two commonly used Handlebars helpers, if_eq and unless_eq are pre-registered:

{{#if_eq lintConfig "airbnb"}};{{/if_eq}}
Custom Handlebars Helpers

You may want to register additional Handlebars helpers using the helpers property in the metadata file. The object key is the helper name:

module.exports = {
  helpers: {
    lowercase: str => str.toLowerCase()

Upon registration, they can be used as follows:

{{ lowercase name }}

File filters

The filters field in the metadata file should be an object hash containing file filtering rules. For each entry, the key is a minimatch glob pattern and the value is a JavaScript expression evaluated in the context of prompt answers data. Example:

  "filters": {
    "test/**/*": "needTests"

Files under test will only be generated if the user answered yes to the prompt for needTests.

Note that the dot option for minimatch is set to true so glob patterns would also match dotfiles by default.

Skip rendering

The skipInterpolation field in the metadata file should be a minimatch glob pattern. The files matched should skip rendering. Example:

  "skipInterpolation": "src/**/*.vue"


page-cli uses metalsmith to generate the project.

You may customize the metalsmith builder created by page-cli to register custom plugins.

  "metalsmith": function (metalsmith, opts, helpers) {
    function customMetalsmithPlugin (files, metalsmith, done) {
      // Implement something really custom here.
      done(null, files)

If you need to hook metalsmith before questions are asked, you may use an object with before key.

  "metalsmith": {
    before: function (metalsmith, opts, helpers) {},
    after: function (metalsmith, opts, helpers) {}

Additional data available in meta.{js,json}

  • destDirName - destination directory name
  "completeMessage": "To get started:\n\n  cd {{destDirName}}\n  npm install\n  npm run dev"
  • inPlace - generating template into current directory
  "completeMessage": "{{#inPlace}}To get started:\n\n  npm install\n  npm run dev.{{else}}To get started:\n\n  cd {{destDirName}}\n  npm install\n  npm run dev.{{/inPlace}}"

complete function


  • data: the same data you can access in completeMessage:

      complete (data) {
        if (!data.inPlace) {
          console.log(`cd ${data.destDirName}`)
  • helpers: some helpers you can use to log results.

      complete (data, {logger, chalk}) {
        if (!data.inPlace) {
          logger.log(`cd ${chalk.yellow(data.destDirName)}`)

Installing a specific template version

page-cli uses the tool download-git-repo to download the official templates used. The download-git-repo tool allows you to indicate a specific branch for a given repository by providing the desired branch name after a pound sign (#).

The format needed for a specific official template is:

page init '<template-name>#<branch-name>' <project-name>


Installing the 1.0 branch of the helloworld vue template:

page init 'helloworld#1.0' mynewproject

Note: The surrounding quotes are necessary on zsh shells because of the special meaning of the # character.




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