The main goal of this project is provide fail2ban functionality to Windows.
The lua-spylog
consist of three services.
- filter - read logs from sources and extract date(optional) and IP and send them to
service. - jail - read messages from
service and support time couter. If some counter is reached tomaxretry
then jail send message toaction
service. - action - read messages from
service and support queue of actions to be done. When it recv new message it push 2 new action to queue (ban and unban). Queue is persistent.
All services can be run as separate process or as thread in one multithreaded process. To run spylog as Windows service you can use LuaService.
For Windows there exists installer which allows install SpyLog and all dependencies. You can download it form Releases page.
-- config/sources/freeswitch.lua
level = 'WARNING';
-- config/filters/freeswitch.lua
FILTER{ "freeswitch-auth-fail";
enabled = true;
source = "freeswitch";
failregex = {
"^(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d%.%d+) %[WARNING%] sofia_reg.c:%d+ SIP auth failure %([A-Z]+%) on sofia profile %'[^']+%' for %[.-%] from ip ([0-9.]+)%s*$";
"^(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d%.%d+) %[WARNING%] sofia.c:%d+ IP ([0-9.]+) Rejected by acl \"[^\"]*\"%s*$";
-- config/jails/freeswitch.lua
enabled = true;
filter = {"freeswitch-auth-fail"};
findtime = 600;
maxretry = 3;
bantime = 3600 * 24;
action = {"mail", "growl", "ipsec"};
- Text log file
- UDP raw server
- SysLog UDP server (rfc3164 and rfc5424)
- SNMP trap UDP server (allows handle Windows event logs)
- EventLog (based on event trap) allows additional filters based on source names.
- FreeSWITCH ESL TCP connection
- TCP raw connection
- Process stdout and/or stderr
By default filter names first capure as date
and second one as host
If there only one capture then date
set as current timestamp and capture names as host
It is possible to assign names to captures using capture
capture = {'host', 'date'}; -- we have to swap `date` and `host`
failregex = '^([0-9.]+) %- %- %[(.-)%].-GET.-HTTP.- 404';
Also it possible add any other captures. They will be send to jails as whell.
Filters support ignoreregex
field to exclude records which already matched by failregex
Filters support exclude
array which allows exclude some IP and networks.
Each jail is just array of counters with some expire time.
Currently supports this counter types
increment to one for each filter messageaccumulate
get increment value from filter message. Can be used e.g. to calculate total calls duration in some VOIP system.fixed
just return value from filter message. Can be used e.g. to monitor max call duration for calls in some VOIP system.
By default increment
type uses.
Each counter do count for some value (like counter[id] = counter[id] + value
To specify id
field you can use capture
field. By default it is host
To specify value
you can use value
field. There no default value for this.
E.g. in voip system it may be need monitor each account and block them .
counter = {
type = 'accumulate';
capture = 'account'; -- count total duration for each account
value = 'duration'; -- what value use to increment.
It is also possible add some additional filter to filters
and jails
Example 1. Add black
list for user names for RDP service.
JAIL{"rdp-bad-user-access"; -- e.g. can ban after first attempt
-- apply this jail only for specific user list
cfilter = {"list",
type = "allow",
capture = "user",
nocase = true,
filter = { "admin", "guest", "user", "root"};
Example 2. Counts attempts to call only to some specific area codes.
-- count only calls to Cuba and Albania and exclude '' host
cfilter = {
{'prefix', -- filter type
type = 'allow', -- count if match
capture = 'number', -- capture name to filter
filter = { -- filter rules
'53', -- Cuba
'355', -- Albania
{'acl', -- filter type
type = 'deny', -- count if not match
capture = 'host', -- capture name to filter
filter = { -- filter rules
Example 3. Apply jail to some countries only.
JAIL{"rdp-bad-country-access"; -- e.g. can ban after first attempt
-- apply this jail for all counties except Russia and North America
cfilter = {"geoip",
type = "deny",
filter = { 'ru', continent = {'na'} };
Each capture filter should have name as first element, capture
and filter
Currently support prefix
, acl
, regex
, list
and geoip
field specify what value from capture should be used in this fileter.
is set of rules had specific format for each type of filter.
filter should have filter
field as array of prefixes of file name.
filter should have filter
field as array of IP and/or CIDR.
filter should have filter
field as string/array of strings.
filter should have list
field as string/array of strings.