All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.2 (2022-06-05)
- website,ui: You cannot import ComposeProvider from ui/utils anymore
- root,hooks: Add hooks library (3bf85e0)
- root,hooks: Add hooks library (e85164a)
- root,utilities-shared,utilities-react,utilities-next: Add utilities (shared, react, next) libs (07f9a46)
- root,website: Implement standard-version in the monorepo (95b5222)
- root: Add navigator mock to jest/setups/dom.ts (500652f)
- root: Impelement husky, lint-staged, commitlint, and branch-name-lint (4699bfa)
- website,ui: Use new ComposeProvider from utilities-react instead of ui (5d44863)
- website,website-e2e,analytics,media-queries,ui: Revise the packages (45b4dfa)