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Davit Barbakadze edited this page Aug 5, 2017 · 1 revision

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Module: moxie.core.utils.Events

Table of Contents


Adds an event handler to the specified object and store reference to the handler in objects internal Plupload registry (@see removeEvent).


  • obj Object
    DOM element like object to add handler to.
  • name String
    Name to add event listener to.
  • callback Function
    Function to call when event occurs.
  • [key] String
    that might be used to add specifity to the event record.

Remove event handler from the specified object. If third argument (callback) is not specified remove all events with the specified name.


  • obj Object
    DOM element to remove event listener(s) from.
  • name String
    Name of event listener to remove.
  • [callback] Function|String
    might be a callback or unique key to match.

Remove all kind of events from the specified object


  • obj Object
    DOM element to remove event listeners from.
  • [key] String
    unique key to match, when removing events.