All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Simple Readme
- Basic datapack structure.
- Tags for all effects in game. (eg. "speed-boost-3")
- Added the "temp" tag, which will kill any non player entity after one tick.
- Added distance prefixes to all effects.
- Added the ground work for "helper" tags.
- Readme now includes basic usage instructions.
- Split effects into two categories, main and extra, to save on performance.
- Main effects also require the "effects" tag in order to function.
- Extra effects also require the "effects-extra" tag in order to function.
- Added mkdocs based documentation.
- Added entity data tags (currently without prefix support).
- Added no-ai entity data tag.
- Added no-gravity entity data tag.
- Added invulnerable entity data tag.
- Added silent entity data tag.
- Added instant helper tag.