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Adds external-svg-sprite-loader for CRA apps, using react-app-rewired.


$ npm install --save-dev react-app-rewire-external-svg-loader


In the config-overrides.js you created for react-app-rewired add this code:

module.exports = (config, env) => {
    config = require('react-app-rewire-external-svg-loader')(config, env, { /* options */ });

    // You may apply other rewires as well

    return config;

If you are using the compose utility of react-app-rewired:

const { compose } = require('react-app-rewired');

module.exports = compose(
    require('react-app-rewire-external-svg-loader')({ /* options */ })
    // ... other rewires

Available options:

Name Description Type Default
test The loader test pattern string/RegExp /\.svg$/
include The loader include condition string/Array/RegExp/Function src folder
exclude The loader exclude condition string/Array/RegExp/Function
loaderOptions The options to pass to the loader Object { name: 'static/media/svg-sprite.[hash:8].svg' } for production, { name: 'static/media/svg-sprite.svg' } otherwise
pluginOptions The options to pass to the loader Object {}

If you modify include and exclude to point to packages in node_modules, it's advised to use fs.realpathSync so that it plays well with packages linked with npm link. Alternatively, you may disable resolve.symlinks in your webpack configuration.


You might want to use svgxuse if you want to support IE9-11 or if you are serving the sprite from another origin, such as a CDN.

If that's the case, you may load it using a dynamic import to defer it by adding the following code to src/index.js:

// ...
import('svgxuse').catch(() => {});


$ npm test
$ npm test -- --watch # during development


MIT License