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Ideas that need use cases

Kathryn Mohror edited this page Dec 13, 2015 · 1 revision

What's going on here?

This page is for ideas that have come up in the Tools WG, but we don't have enough use cases for them to justify moving forward. We document them here so that they don't get lost.

Variable length strings for MPI_T variables

  • This is old Trac ticket #384
  • This is for variables whose values are strings that may change over time. How do we manage the changing lengths?
  • Explanation and ideas for extending the interface are in the old track ticket (link above)

Group for control variables to set them all with one call

  • This would be convenience functionality. Instead of iterating through all control variables of interest, could create a group somehow and then apply the operations for that group with a single API invocation.
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