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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page May 12, 2016 · 2 revisions


  • Jean-Baptiste Besnard
  • James Custer
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns
  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Soren Rasmussen


  • Preparation for next face-to-face meeting

    • Marc-Andre to get MPIR line-number ticket ready for a reading
    • Marc-Andre to create PR for whitespace ticket to be decided upon by the chapter committee
    • We won't push tickets #9 and #10 for next meeting, but maybe for Edinburgh
      • Soren wants to update ticket #9 with comments on where clarifications in the MPI_T chapter could be helpful
    • As Kathryn and Marc-Andre won't be on site for the face-to-face meeting, we should organize proxies to lead the discussions
      • Marc-Andre to contact Anh, Martin, and Jeff for the debugger and performance tools sessions, respectively.
    • It would be best if performance topics get scheduled in the morning for Marc-Andre & Jean-Baptiste to join
      • Have MPI_T Events first and then "The interface formerly known as PMPI".
  • MPI_T Events

    • Marc-Andre updated the [wiki page](MPI_T Events).
    • Callback requirements adopted from PERUSE should be OK for now. Some will need further discussion when the interface has developed further
    • Open questions:
      • It should be safe to have the event interface to be initialized by the normal MPI_T_init_thread() call
        • Some events may not be available right away
        • Maybe provide an 'initialization callback' to be triggered once a callback becomes available?
      • As no specific callbacks are planned to be specified, how do tools discover the structure of the event information?
        • Have the query routine return a data layout description (like for MPI_Type_create_struct) to enable runtime-detection of data fields?
        • Tool will still need explicit (outside) help for interpreting the semantics of a data field
        • Type envelope could be used for sanity check
        • Information specific to all events could the specified in a header structure common to call events across all implementations (has to be high-level not to prescribe implementation detail)
          • Implementation may choose to indicate via unused_field that a specific header field is not used/supported
        • Tracing tools could copy blob to trace and interpret data post-mortem
        • Profiling tools can only act on information they know how to process
      • We should also port the multi-stage concept of PERUSE
        • a certain event could indicate which 'event set' is belongs to, and which other events may precede and succeed it
    • Kathryn indicated that John Mellor-Crummey wanted to get in touch with us on asynchronous signal-safe callbacks
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