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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 1 revision


  • Keeran Brabazon
  • Jean-Baptiste Besnard
  • Chris Chambreau
  • Esthela Gallardo
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns
  • Kathryn Mohror
  • Jeff Squyres
  • Soren Rassmussen


MPI_T events

  • Who owns the enum returned by MPI_T_event_get_info? Who frees the memory?
    • No explicit call exists to free enums currently returned by MPI_T calls
    • An enum is therefore valid between initialization and finalization of MPI_T
    • The implementation manages the memory, the user does not need to free anything here
  • The list of datatypes in MPI_T_event_get_info is managed by the user?
    • Behavior similar to name and name_len: User can provide a zero for a length and gets the needed length returned
    • An initial call may be required anyway to query the length of name and descr
  • Usage of verbosity parameter in MPI_T_event_enum_get_info is unclear
    • Its semantics is symmetric to the verbosity parameters in pvar and cvar calls
    • How would a tool only query the events (or pvars/cvars) of a certain verbosity?
  • Dynamic sources
    • The existence of a (potential) new source for the registered events is indicated by a callback
    • The callback should be specified as a (the only) required callback (if an implementation chooses to provide events)
    • Callback functions should also be provided with an indicator whether memory allocations are allowed or not
      • Other system-level operations may be interesting here as well
      • Check the POSIX defintions of different levels (what about Windows?)
        • Search for async. signal safety and go from there
      • Maybe first version of the interface only defines the most-restrictive (inside an interrupt handler) for all callbacks
      • Tools that need to allocate memory would have to employ standard techniques to defer allocation to a safe moment (inside the next PMPI-wrapper call?)
      • Should the safety level be provided directly to the callback or "hidden" in the meta data and accessible via an extra call, e.g., MPI_T_event_get_sync_signal_safety?

Universial IDs

  • Jeff updated the ticket text
  • We should require unique IDs, and with it all implementors to obtain a CID in the first version
  • As discussed the 700 USD should not be a show-stopper for any implementor, and unique IDs for all pvars/cvars/events would improve the situation a lot for tools

uint64_t MPI_T_pvar_get_uid(int pvar_index)

uint64_t MPI_T_cvar_get_uid(int cvar_index)

uint64_t MPI_T_event_get_uid(int event_index)

MPI Timer

  • Timer should be as fast as possible, so data should be provided with a single call, not requiring any additional calls.
  • Struct MPI_Time should therefore have accessible members for seconds and the rest
    • Should we use NANOSEC or PICOSEC for the rest?
      • Pico-seconds would be the next order of magnitude in resolution
      • No clock interface currently provides this, but it would make the interface a bit more future safe?
    • What about the call to MPI_T_time_get_resolution to return whether this is pico seconds or nano seconds?
    • Should the clock source also be encoded here (see clock_gettime)
    • Can we scale fast from pico to nanoseconds?
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