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Marc-Andre Hermanns edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Meetings Notes 2020-03-26


  • Martin Schulz
  • Joachim Protze
  • Chris Chambreau
  • Marc-Andre Hermanns


  • Why do we need the void *

    • DEbugger needs to identify which process the information is about
    • void * is an opaque handle to identify a process by the Debugger (external process)
    • Debugger & Library agree in a handshake on how to identify a process
      • void * owned by the Debugging Library (outside of the MPI process)
    • Using the same callback function interface (just use the void * for something else)
      • Language-specific binding could be defined for a Debugger (adding specific additional arguments)
      • LID has semantics, and there needs to be some mechanics to generate those additional arguments
  • We need to focus on:

    • Which functionality do we already have?
    • Which functionality do we need in addition to that?
      • Envelope and Size/Extend calls should be available for third-party interface
  • Which handles do we want to include?

    • Communicators
    • Datatypes
    • Windows
    • Operators
  • Some interface to introspect base types (MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM) needed.

  • We should contact Debugger People

    • Tony Tie (suggested to move most of the OMPD library to DWARF)
      • Allow OPMD queries be done via DWARF
  • How does the Debugger know what a handle actually is

      1. Approach: Binary compatibility of the debugging interface
        • If the interface ist not a binary compatible interface the debugger needs to implement an adapter for each MPI library the debugger wants to support
  • Ask library: How big ist your handle type and pass a variable of that size to library.

    • Pass in a communication handle
    • Return a debugging communication handle
      • With storage where the debugger can attach additional informati
  • Predefined: yes/no?

    • if yes: hand back the answer for that specific object (could be an enum with a fixed value or a string)
      • We need to translate the MPI handles into MPI debugging handles
        • Debugging handles are a fixed type but owned by the debugging library
          • Often stores the address of the object in the runtime process
            • INT-based handles could look up the info once and cache the handle info in the debugging handle
          • Should also contain info about which process the object belongs to
  • ompd_get_thread_handle might be a good blueprint for getting information debugging handles

    • We need an ABI
  • @Joachim to sketch a quick presentation of the key ideas?

  • Let's reach out to TotalView and ARM to get ideas

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