This repository is a collection of tools i used in my home automation.
We used the principle of #SmartHome concepts, you can have more informations here :
Build your own HomeMade - Hacked Wifi MQTT devices
This project provide examples, and implementation to setup NodeMCU units , based on ESP8266 and ESP32 families. These devices publish informations or taking commands from a MQTT broker.
ESP microchip family, is a quite nice and cheap piece for setting up custom solution, for less that 3$ you have an embedded microcontroller for handling the bridge between the software and physical world.
If you have a bit time and knowledges, for a very cheap cost but time, you can setup your own home automation, monitoring or "Computer Managed Home Experience"
Using Lua save time in setup and development, and reduce the needed knowledge.
- 2021 - Support for ESP32 chips, with nodemcu 3.0
- 2020 - update to NodeMCU v3
Centralized MQTT driven information publishing
NodeMCU lua Stacks for creating IOT MQTT / ESP8266 and ESP32 device
Providing Some examples objects for creating new sensors or actuators. Currently the following are demonstrated:
- Switch
- DHT11 temperature sensor
- Relays
- ADC input
- Body Sensor detector
- WifiLocation (providing informations on the indoor location of the device)
- LED matrix display based on WS2812 embedded controller
- RGB Led strips (PWM controlled)
- Serial Custom Client - Server protocol for interfaçing with arduino or other
- HealthCheck
- Touch Buttons
- Serial communication
- HealthCheck
For Monitoring, look at IotMonitor project that really help with device monitoring, reporting, and errors tracking
This is much simple on the physical side, only a RPI, and devices.
Minimum Software Installed :
Linux weezy (debian) - RPI
Mosquitto (MQTT broker)
some Devices using this project :
NodeMCU - Firmware
the current Lua scripts, adjusted on the use
additional nodes can be added as a storage node for making queries in a time-framed manner. In some cases dockerised influxdb on an orangepi node, monitoring agents. For gui driven automation, one can add homeassistant or nodered to the stack.
System principes are based on the MQTT protocol and Wifi Connection. MQTT broker collect and distribute the information among the devices, permitting to dissociate sensor, actuators and the usage of them.
here is the big picture (logical view).
MQTT if widely adopted and provide fast and lightweight protocol to make it work. Lots of "out of the box" softwares can be use to monitor, and play with messages (we recommand MQTT Explorer). MQTT play a central role for communication between all these devices, in a simple, organized way.
IOT objects are implemented as "local plateform" handling either sensors or actuators. Embedded logics can also be hosted in the device.
In a simple implementation, we used a Rasberry PI computer connecter to the ISP box for providing the MQTT broker and private wifi HotSpot.
Using the Lua NodeMCU stack, the following organization is provided :
a common stack implemented in NodeMCU, using lua, implements :
sensors and actuator registry
MQTT message queue
Connection and restart handling
As the device can be used as either dumb sensors , agents python (or any other languages can be added to implement support for "high level" decisions), For example :
- location based triggering
- trigger based on planning
- inter device control (multiple device for controlling)
- display and feedback orchestration
Led display control, animations are done using agents implemented in python.
Installing Mosquitto on RPI linux :
ESP12 - module :
FTDI - for sending the program to the chip :
other passif/actif components, 7803 and 7805 for 5v and 3.3v regulator, resistors, condensators
Before starting you can have more informations on NodeMCU firmware here :
NodeMCU :
NodeMCU Firmware documentation:
An other article on the same subject (french):
SimpleDevice05 Led Screen Display
SimpleDevice 01 - Relay Handling
SimpleDevice 02 - Led screen display device with switch and body sensor
SimpleDevice 03 - Led strip light, with body detector and switch
SimpleDevice 04 - Battery Autonomous Humidity, Pression, Temperature sensor