This repository contains a detailed sample project that implements MVVM architecture using Jetpack's ViewModel and LiveData. It also uses Dagger2 and RxJava.
- activity: Contains all activities of the app.
- data: Contains all network and local data repository.
- di: Dependency providing classes using Dagger2.
- viewmodel: View-Model classes which extends Jetpack's ViewModel.
- network: Web service calling classes and interface.
- model: Contains POJO classes.
- utils: Utility classes.
Below is the description of how movie list feature is built with MVVM architecture-
- View-
is the view for showing movie list. It contains recycler view. It observes movie data. - Model-
is the data model for movies. - View-Model-
extends Jetpack'sViewModel
which manipulates data, coming from movie repository and post the value which view observes.
MoviesApplication initializes AppComponent
as follows:
AppComponent appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().
appModule(new AppModule(this))
.networkModule(new NetworkModule())
.movieModule(new MovieModule()).build();
builds modules i.e. NetworkModule
which provides web service objects, MovieModule
provides movie repository and view-model factory, and AppModule provides app context.
By default, ViewModel requires zero argument constructor. ViewModel factory is used to provide a correct parameterized constructor of ViewModel. It is used as follows:
ViewModelFactory viewModelFactory;
// some code
MoviesViewModel moviesViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(MoviesViewModel.class);
moviesViewModel.observeMoviesResponse().observe(this, this::consumeResponse);
In order to test LiveData, it’s values need to be directly updated on the calling thread.
public void testFetchAllMovies_testError() {
MutableLiveData<ApiResponse> responseMutableLiveData = new MutableLiveData<>();
Exception exception = new Exception();
ApiResponse apiResponse = ApiResponse.error(exception);
Assert.assertEquals(Status.ERROR, responseMutableLiveData.getValue().status);