Tools for computation of empirical spectral distributions
This repository provides tools to implement the methods and reproduce the experiments included in the manuscript ''Numerical techniques for the computation of sample spectral distributions of population mixtures'', L Cordero-Grande. Unpublished.
The code has been developed in MATLAB and has the following structure:
contains the scripts for running all the experiments corresponding to the figures in the manuscript: mixAndMix_Exp[01-13].m and wrappers to different alternatives for computing the empirical spectral distributions (ESD), ESDMarcenkoPastur.m, ESDMixAndMix.m, ESDQuest.m, ESDSimulated.m, ESDSpectrode.m, ESDTwoDeltas.m.
contains scripts that replace, extend or adapt some MATLAB built-in functions: diagm.m, dynInd.m, eigm.m, emtimes.m, indDim.m, matfun.m, multDimMax.m, multDimSum.m, numDims.m, parUnaFun.m, resPop.m, resSub.m, sub2indV.m.
contains scripts for generating the graphical materials: labelFig.m, plotObjective.m, styleFigRoutine.m.
contains tools to generate colormaps from
contains scripts that implement the Marcenko-Pastur law for computing the ESD marcenkoPastur.m.
contains scripts for operations with matrices: mat2bldiag.m.
contains scripts with generic methods: plugNoise.m.
contains scripts that implement the proposed MidAndMix ESD computation method: addCorrelation.m, andersonMixing.m, arraySupport.m, fillGridPoints.m, gridSubdivide.m, interp1GPU.m, nonUniformGridAddPoints.m, pinvmDamped.m, startingGrid.m.
contains scripts that implement the Quest ESD computation method in the manuscript ''Numerical implementation of the QuEST function'', O Ledoit, and M Wolf, Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 2017, 115:199-223 from
contains scripts that implement the Spectrode ESD estimation method in the manuscript ''Efficient computation of limit spectra of sample covariance matrices'', E Dobriban, Rand. Matr. Th. Appl., 2015, 4(4):1550019:1-36 from
NOTE 1: The results in the paper correspond to executions on an 8(16) x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X CPU @ 3.00GHz 64GB RAM with a GeForce GTX TITAN X under MATLABR2019a.
NOTE 2: Generation of the figures for the scripts mixAndMix_Exp[02,04,06,08,10,11,12] should be very quick, while the scripts mixAndMix_Exp[01,03,05,07,09,13] may take longer, as they involve measurements of computation times.