buildtest comes with a set of options for listing useful info such as
- Unique software
- List of toolchain
- List software-modulefile relationship
- List of easyconfigs
.. program-output:: cat scripts/List_Subcommand/help.txt
buildtest can report the software list by running the following _buildtest list --list-unique-software
short option _buildtest list -ls
buildtest determines the software list based on the module trees specified in BUILDTEST_MODULE_ROOT
and processes each module tree and returns a unique software list
.. program-output:: head -n 15 scripts/List_Subcommand/software.txt
buildtest can list the easybuild toolchain list by running _buildtest list --list-toolchain
short option _buildtest list -lt
This will get the same result defined by eb --list-toolchains, we have taken the list of toolchains from eb and defined them in buildtest. Any app built with the any of the toolchains can be used with buildtest to generate tests.
.. program-output:: head -n 15 scripts/List_Subcommand/toolchain.txt
If you want to view a breakdown of all software by version and full path to modulefile
then you want to use _buildtest list --software-version-relation
or short option
_buildtest list -svr
The output will be sorted by software and each entry will correspond to the full path of the modulefile.
.. program-output:: head -n 15 scripts/List_Subcommand/software_version.txt
buildtest can return a list of easyconfigs from module trees defined in BUILDTEST_MODULE_ROOT
You can run _buildtest list --easyconfigs
or short option _buildtest list -ec
buildtest will report full path to easyconfigs and also report any errors if it can't find any easyconfig. If you specify a module tree that is not built by easybuild you can expect some warning or error messages which is intended.
buildtest will attempt to search for any file with .eb
extension in easybuild
that is part of install directory of each software for every easybuild app.
.. program-output:: head -n 15 scripts/List_Subcommand/easyconfigs.txt
If an easyconfig is not found you may get the following message
Could not find easyconfig in /clust/app/easybuild/2018/IvyBridge/redhat/7.3/software/NWChem/6.8.revision47-intel-2018a-2017-12-14-Python-2.7.14/easybuild
buildtest can report the software packages supported by buildtest which are found in BUILDTEST_CONFIGS_REPO
.. program-output:: head -n 15 scripts/List_Subcommand/buildtest_software.txt
buildtest provides --format
option to control output behavior of _buildtest list
You may let buildtest output to standard output which is the default behavior if
you select --format=stdout
buildtest also supports json and csv output, where --format=json
and --format=csv
will output result in json or csv format.
Let's run _buildtest list -ls --format=stdout
.. program-output:: cat scripts/List_Subcommand/software_format_stdout.txt
buildtest will write content of csv to file. Let's run _buildtest list -svr --format=csv
.. program-output:: cat scripts/List_Subcommand/software_format_csv.txt
.. program-output:: head scripts/List_Subcommand/software_list.csv
To print output in json let's run _buildtest list -ls --format=json
.. program-output:: cat scripts/List_Subcommand/software_format_json.txt