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Creating a Field Type

Mateo Rodriguez edited this page Apr 15, 2024 · 2 revisions

What is a Field Type?

A field type is an abstraction that Fieldz uses to allow multiple concurrent matches to play at once.

Why do we need this?

See the AYSO field size specifications.

Field Sizes by Age Division

6U, 7U, 8U

9U, 10U 11U, 12U 13U, 14U 15U, 16U

17U, 18U

Length (Yards) 25 to 35 55 to 65 70 to 80 100 to 130 100 to 130
Width (Yards) 15 to 25 35 to 45 45 to 55 50 to 100 50 to 100
Center Circle Radius


5 8 8 10
Goal Area

Length/Width (Yards)

None 4 x 8 5 x 16 6 x 20
Penalty Area

Length/Width (Yards)

None 12 x 24 14 x 36 18 x 44
Goal Line to Penalty

Spot (Yards)

None 10 10 12
Max Goal Size

Height/Width (Feet)

4 x 6 6.5 x 18.5 7 x 21 8 x 24

Goal Size (Feet)

4 x 6 6.5 x 12 6.5 x 18.5 8 x 24

As you can see, sometimes different age groups play on the same size of field. This means that we need to specify for what age group does each time slot of field space support. This feature also allows region administrators to place their time slots such that games in the middle of the day are for younger children while early-morning/dusk time slots are for older age groups.

Step-by-step guide to create a field type

This step is required to create a reservation.

In the app's main menu, visit the Field Types Tab.

Where do I click?

Click the button that says + New Type


What does each property mean?


This is a title that can be used to generalize the teams that can use a field.


You may change the color of this field type by clicking on the colored circle. This will help you distinguish the different types of reservations you've made.


This is optional, you can add notes here however you wish.

Default matches per field space

You can specify the default amount of many concurrent matches that can be played at once. For example, if you know your fields are all relatively the same size, you can specify that a u18 field type can have one concurrent match, while a u6 field type can have four concurrent matches. This default is not locked; you can also create per-field-and-field-type sizing.