Observe is a do-notation-based DSL library for discrete Bayesian decision theory using the subdistribution monad. The following code solves the student network example from "Probabilistic Machine Learning: Advanced Topics" by Murphy.
student :: Distribution Intelligence
student = do
diff <- distribution [(Easy, 6/10), (Hard, 4/10)]
intel <- distribution [(Low, 7/10), (High, 3/10)]
grade <- case (intel, diff) of
(Low, Easy) -> distribution [(A, 30/100), (B, 40/100), (C, 30/100)]
(Low, Hard) -> distribution [(A, 5/100), (B, 25/100), (C, 70/100)]
(High, Easy) -> distribution [(A, 90/100), (B, 8/100), (C, 2/100)]
(High, Hard) -> distribution [(A, 50/100), (B, 30/100), (C, 20/100)]
sat <- case intel of
Low -> distribution [(Good, 5/100), (Bad, 95/100)]
High -> distribution [(Good, 80/100), (Bad, 20/100)]
letter <- case grade of
A -> distribution [(Positive, 10/100), (Negative, 90/100)]
B -> distribution [(Positive, 40/100), (Negative, 60/100)]
C -> distribution [(Positive, 99/100), (Negative, 1/100)]
observe (grade == C)
observe (sat == Good)
return intel
The following code solves the Monty Hall problem.
montyHall :: Distribution Door
montyHall = do
car <- uniform [Left,Middle,Right]
choice <- uniform [Left,Middle,Right]
announcement <- host car choice
observe (choice == Middle)
observe (announcement == Left)
return car
Do-notation with interchange is an internal language for copy-discard monoidal categories. Up to statement interchange, it coincides with the hypergraph representation of a string diagram.
- A Simple Formal Language for Probabilistic Decision Problems. E. Di Lavore, B. Jacobs, M. Román, 2024.
- Solving Puzzles in Decision Theory. E. Di Lavore, M. Román, 2024.
- Evidential Decision Theory via Partial Markov Categories. E. Di Lavore, M. Román, 2023.
- Getting Wiser from Multiple Data: Probabilistic Updating according to Jeffrey and Pearl, B. Jacobs, 2024.