Dictionary comprehension takes in a group of values, performs some kind of task on them, and returns the result
users = [
(0, "Paul", "Swordfish2@"),
(1, "Fiona", "18ApplebyRd"),
(2, "Dad", "Mountain1"),
(3, "Mum", "password"),
This will loop through the list users on the 2nd item in the list. Then create a dict from that where the KEYS are usernames and the VALUES are the tuple.
username_mapping = {user[1]: user for user in users}
me = username_mapping["Paul"]
print(f"user details for Paul: {me}")
Alternative could be more complicated and time consuming. The below will give the same output as
me = username_mapping["Paul"]
when used with the above dict comprehension
for user in users:
if user[1] == "Paul":
could be a database...
users = [
(0, "Paul", "Swordfish2@"),
(1, "Fiona", "18ApplebyRd"),
(2, "Dad", "Mountain1"),
(3, "Mum", "password"),
username_mapping = {user[1]: user for user in users}
username_input = input('what is your username')
password_input = input('what is your password')
-, username, password = username_mapping[username_input] # (_, Paul, Swordfish2@)
if password == password_input:
print('Incorrect details...')