Now we are going to write a function that will access a certain path in the folder, loop through the files and get the latest one using its metadata. I have added some additional protections and bits of code which you can understand from the inline comments.
: The connection object we obtained in the previous code.date_limit
: The number of days backint
we would ask the function to scan the files in the SFTP folder.remote_path
: The pathstr
in which we want to search files, within the SFTP folder. This method will return the file which we ranked as the latestf
, and another boolean value called to_load.
will only become True once there is at least one file that meets all
of our limitations. It means the file is within our date limit, and is not empty
(or larger than a decided size). You can use to_load for further
implementations, i.e: continue your code only if a file was actually retrieved.
import paramiko
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import traceback
def get_files_from_sftp(sftp, date_limit, remote_path):
""" get new files from sftp and load to s3 """
to_load = False # will set to True if there are files to load (for later implementation)
max_last_modified = - timedelta(days=7) # set a date variable to compare files to
files = sftp.listdir(remote_path) # get files in directory
# check for new files above date limit
max_file_path = ""
for f in files:
# get last modified date/timestamp from file metadata
last_modified = sftp.stat(remote_path + f).st_mtime
last_modified_ts = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_modified)
last_modified_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_modified).date()
if last_modified_date > date_limit: # check limit
if sftp.stat(remote_path + f).st_size > 1000: # check if file is empty (in this case larger than 1MB)
if last_modified_ts > max_last_modified: # maintain last modified file
max_last_modified = last_modified_ts
max_file = f
to_load = True
return to_load, max_file
trace_error = traceback.format_exc()
print('something is wrong - did not get files \n' + trace_error)
You can now use the max_file
object in any way you want. You can download it
to your local machine, or keep it in memory and perform further actions.