I wanted to export a response from a request (a list of domains) to a txt file, so I would be able manlipuate it.
I ran into two issues at first. Placing the file creation INSIDE OF MY LOOP no wonder i was only getting one domain in the file!! Doh!
Placing the file creation outside of my loop fixed that issue.
The I wanted to dump everything onto a single line. I completed this by using:
.writelines("%s\n" % d["domain"])
Write a list of lines to the stream. Line separators are not added, so it is usual for each of the lines provided to have a line separator at the end.
Alternatively after some testing got the same result
.write("%s\n" % d["domain"])
So after some more testing, the only thing I needed to bring everything on one line was "%s\n" %
Here is a full example
with open("./files/dump/sjson_domains.txt", "w") as sjson_domains_txt:
for d in sellers:
if d.get("domain", "domain_missing") != "domain_missing":
sjson_domains_txt.write("%s\n" % d["domain"])