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Tiden 0.6.2

1. What is Tiden?

The test framework for testing Apache Ignite in distributed environment (Testing Ignite in Distributed ENvironment).

2. Requirements.

Python 3.7 with installed modules on the host starting tests:

  • PyYaml
  • psutil
  • jinja2
  • requests (optional)
  • ansible (optional)
  • py4j (optional)


  • The hosts running under *NIX bases OS (RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu) with installed bash and regular commands like cat, grep, ls, head, ps.
  • Public/private SSH keys authentication without password prompt from the host starting tests.
  • There is no running java processes by default. Tiden removes all java processes by sudo killall -9 java. Thus you must add killall to sudoers list with no password.

3. Command-line arguments.

tiden run-tests \
  --tc=<path_to_configuration_file> \
  --tc=<path_to_configuration_file> \
  --to=<option_path>=<option_value> \
  --to=<option_path>=<option_value> \
  --ts=<suite_name>.<test_module_name> \
  --var_dir=<path_to_work_directory> \
  --clean=all \
  --attr=<attr1> \
  --attr=<attr2> \
  • --tc=<path_to_configuration_file>

Argument type: mandatory

Tiden uses one or more YAML formatted configuration file to construct the test configuration that should like following:

  glob_path: <local_path_to_artifact>
  type: [ignite|...]
  glob_path: <local_path_to_artifact>
  type: [ignite|...]
 username: <user_name>
 private_key_path: <local_path_to_private_key>
 server_hosts: [<ip_address_of_host_1>, <ip_address_of_host_2>,...]
 common_hosts: [<ip_address_of_host_1>, <ip_address_of_host_2>,...]
 client_hosts: [<ip_address_of_host_1>, <ip_address_of_host_2>,...]
 home: <remote_path_for_tiden>

Note: use '.' (dot) in key names is forbidden. All passed configuration files merged into one

  • --ts=<suite_name>.<test_module_name>

Argument type: mandatory

The suite is name of directory in ./suites.

The test module name is the name of python module in the suite directory.

  • --var_dir=<path_to_existing_directory>

Argument type: optional

The directory to collect test artifacts, reports, temporary files.

By default the directory is ./var

  • --to=<key_path>=<value>

Argument type: optional

Override the option of test configuration.

<key_path> is path to a key to override delimited by dots e.g. --to=key1.key2.key3=<value>:

  key3: value

If the original value is the list then new value can be provided as the string of values delimited by commas:

tiden run-tests ... --to=<key_path>=value1,value2,value3

If you provide the + symbol before the list of values, then these values will be appended to ones already set for the given configuration option:

tiden run-tests ... --to=<key_path>=+value1,value2,value3
  • --clean=[mode]

Argument type: optional


  • all - clean up local var_dir and remote environment.home directory
  • tests - clean up local tests dirs , but didn't repack already collected artifacts. Also clean tests data from environment.home directory
  • remote_tests - same as tests, but didn't clean local tests data
  • --attr=<attr>

Argument type: optional

Choose the test methods decorated by @attr('<attr_name>').

The multiple usage of that argument processed by following rules:

By default or if --to=attr_match=any: any test method will be executed if at least one from provided attributes found in the attribute decoration list of that method.

If --to=attr_match=all then all provided attributes should be a subset of attribute decoration list of that method.

Collect tests
  • --collect-only

Argument type: optional

Settings this option makes Tiden only enumerate and print test names matching to given --ts and --attr values, but do not run any tests. Note, that artifacts are still processed and repacked to allow conditional skips work.

4. Tests

  • The rules to create a test:
  1. Create a python module prefixed by test_ (and in lower case) in the chosen suite directory.
  2. The created test python module must contain single class only.
  3. The name of module must reflect the name of class: to TestNewFeature class.
  4. The resource directory should be called as test module name without test_ prefix: to res/new_feature.
  5. The test class must be inherited from a class in pt/*testcase directory.
  6. The example: suites/features/
from import GeneralTestCase
from tiden import attr

class TestNewFeatures (GeneralTestCase):
    def setup(self):
    def teardown(self):
    @attr('simple_test', 'new')
    def test_feature_1(self):
      a = 1
      b = 1
      assert a == b, 'test a == b'

5. Reports

The tool provides XUnit report in var directory.

6. The key execution stages:

  1. Construct the test configuration file and store it in var/<suite_name>-<timestamp> directory
  2. Copy (and repack if required) the artifacts in var/artifacts directory.
  3. Check connection to remote hosts
  4. Kill all java processes and clean up environment.home directory if --clean=all passed
  5. Deploy artifacts on remote hosts and unzip them
  6. Iterate over test modules (if more that one found). Repeat 7-11 for every test module.
  7. Execute setup() method from the test class (if exists).
  8. Deploy test class resource directory (if exists) on remote hosts.
  9. Iterate over (filtered) test class methods
  10. Execute teardown() method from test class (if exists)
  11. Collect log files on remote hosts and download them as <ip_address> in var/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name> directory
  12. Store report files in var directory

7. Local directory structure

  • <var_dir>/artifacts - directory for artifacts found in artifacts key of test configuration

  • <var_dir>/<suite_name>-<timestamp> - suite work directory

  • <var_dir>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/tmp - suite tmp directory

  • <var_dir>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name> - test module directory

  • <var_dir>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name>/res - test module resource directory

8. Remote directory structure

  • <environment.home>/artifacts - directory for artifacts

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp> - suite work directory

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<artifact_name_1> - artifact directory if set artifacts.<artifact_name>.remote_unzip: true in the test configuration

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name> - test module work directory, resource copied here

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name>/<TestClass> - test class work directory

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name>/<TestClass>/setup - test class setup work directory

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name>/<TestClass>/teardown - test class teardown work directory

  • <environment.home>/<suite_name>-<timestamp>/<test_module_name>/<TestClass>/<test_method_name>- test class method work directory

9. The useful test configuration keys

  • artifacts.<artifact_name>.remote_unzip: true Unzip the artifact archive on remote hosts after deployment.

  • artifacts.<artifact_name>.repack: <command list> Repack the artifact archive and reduce the size for deployment. The options supports the following commands:

    • move self:<path1> self:</path2> - move directory <path1> in <path2>
    • copy self:<path1> self:</path2> - copy directory <path1> in <path2>
    • copy $<artifact_name>$<path1> self:</path2> - copy other artifact by name $<artifact_name>$ or separate files from specific path in other artifact $<artifact_name>$<path1> in </path2>
    • delete self:<path1> - delete <path>

By default newly founded artifacts will upload on remote hosts or replaced. All changed artifacts will be automatically redeployed

  • connection_mode: [paramiko|ansible|local] The way to connect to remote hosts. Python paramiko is by default. Use ansible if the deployment is large. Use local to turn tiden into local testing framework, in that case all [server|client|common]_hosts in environment configuration must start with '127.0' network.

  • ignite: dictionary with default options for Ignite deployments.

    • bind_to_host: True|False Defaults to False, unless connection_mode is local, True otherwise. If bind_to_host is True, grid config files are patched to tie each node to its host via IgniteConfiguration.localHost property.

    • unique_node_ports: True|False Defaults to False, unless connection_mode is local, True otherwise. If unique_node_ports is True, grid config files are patched to tie each node' TcpCommunicationSpi to specfic port number unique for all grid nodes (e.g. there would be no node with equal TcpCommunicationSpi.port property in the grid).

  • environment.client_jvm_options: <list> The list of JVM options passed to client nodes.

  • environment.env_vars: <dictionary> The dictionary of remote host environment variables, where key is a variable name. Also the value can be read from an another environment variable: <variable_name>:$<another_variable_name>

  • environment.server_jvm_options: <list> The list of JVM options passed to server nodes.

  • xunit_file: <filename> The name of file with test report in xUnit format. The report file with given name will be created in the var_dir directory. Optional, defaults to 'xunit.xml'.

  • testrail_report: <filename> The name of file with test report in GG QA utility format.
    The report file with given name will be created in the var_dir directory. Optional, defaults to 'testrail_report.yaml'.

  • repeated_test or repeated_test.<attr_name> When given --to=repeated_test=N, executes all tests otherwise matched by --attr in all suites matched by --ts at most N number of iterations or until first test failure.

When given --to=repeated_test.<testattr>=N, executes only tests matched by <testattr> at most N number of iterations or until first failure, all other test remains executed as usual.

10. Decorators

  • attribute @attr('<attr_name_1>', '<attr_name_2>', ...)
    @attr('simple_test', 'new')
    def test_1(self):

Note: The name of test method always added to attributes list.

  • fixture @with_setup('<method_name>', '<method_name>')
    def before_test(self):
    def after_test(self):
    @with_setup('before_test', 'after_test')
    def test_1(self):
  • unconditional skip @skip('<the_reason>')
    @skip('issue BUG12345')
    def test_1(self):
  • conditional skip @require(<requirements>).

Note: All requirements must be met for test to run.

Supported requirements:

  • min_ignite_version = <version string>
  • min_server_nodes = <number of server nodes>
  • min_client_nodes = <number of client nodes>
from tiden.util import require
    @require(min_server_nodes=4, min_ignite_version='2.4.2-p4')
    def test_2(self):

Unnamed arguments to @require are evaluated during test compilation, any False result will lead to test skip, which allows following example usage as well:

from tiden.testconfig import test_config
from tiden.util import require

    def test():
  • explicit repeated iterations @repeated_test(<N>) or @repeate_test(<N>, test_names=[<test_names>]).
from tiden.util import repeated_test

    def test():

Makes given test run at most N times or until first failure. Each successive test iteration would have its own variable directory suffixed by iteration number.

When test fails, its name will be renamed in report file to <test_name>_iteration_<M>, where M is failed iteration number.

11. Contributing

The test framework encompasses unit-tests for self-testing misc functionality. Feel free to contribute at will, but ensure unit-tests remain stable. It is desired that contributor provided unit-tests for added functionality.

Running unit tests requires installed py.test dependency.


    py.test tests -x --tb=long  


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