- Google Cloud SDK - specifically the
Make sure you have the latest version of the notebook on your Google Storage bucket
$ gsutil cp BDCCp1.ipynb gs://bdcc_up2015XXXX/notebooks/
When you're done bigclouding, copy the file back and commit changes
$ gsutil cp gs://bdcc_up2015XXXX/notebooks/BDCCp1.ipynb .
$ cd spark-setup
$ ./startCluster.sh <clustername> #.e.g, clusterup2015XXXX
$ cd spark-setup
$ ./connectToCluster.sh <vm_name> # e.g., clusterup2015XXXX
The Jupyter instance should now be running on http://localhost:8123
$ cd spark-setup
$ ./stopCluster.sh <vm_name> # e.g., clusterup2015XXXX
Note: if any of this fails, check the Google Cloud Platform Web App