The goal of this project is to develop a cross platform auction and bid application across web browsers and android devices. Auction admins can list, set, alter, modify, view items and more on any web browser, optimized for desktop. Auction participants (aka bidders) will utilize the android application to search, view, bid, alter/increase bids, and more on Android devices with all data being maintained via MySQL database interaction.
- Joshua Bennett (Jo)
- Robby Ackerman (ro)
- Chiara Maalouf (chi) {Team Lead}
- Alyssa Schilke (al)
Web Application
- Ability to create auctions
- Add items to a specific auction
- Delete items from a auction
- View inidividual item
- Edit items
- Time a auction to start and end at a spefic time/date
- Admin can create sub/child-admins
- Credential/profile based logins
- Change password
- Hashed passwords for proper security/encrpytion
- SQL sanitization against SQL injection
- Responsive CSS across devices/window sizes
Android Application
- Create profile
- Change password
- Bid on item
- View item
- Autobid to a certain vlaue on item
- Email confirmation of bids
- Search for items
- See countdown of time left on a bidding
- See countdown of time left on a auction
- Bootstrap 4
- W3
- jquery
- myPHPadmin
- Java
- Android Studio
- Download a SASS complier such as Koala
- Setup a web server or your localhost to run PHP
- All other files can be run in the web browser
This project contains all code created by the development team, as well as the Bootstrap 4 source files for compling the project SCSS file.
This is the repository for team jorochial to develop their Auction application in Fall 2019 Software Engineering course.