PySSaGE is a collection of python versions of analyses originally part of the PASSaGE (Rosenberg 2001) and PASSaGE 2 (Rosenberg and Anderson 2011) software packages for spatial analysis.
See the PySSaGE wiki for more information.
So far the following analyses have been implemented:
- TTLQV: Two-Term Local Quadrat Variance Analysis
- 3TLQV: Three-Term Local Quadrat Variance Analysis
- PQV: Paired Quadrat Variance Analysis
- tQV: Triplet Quadrat Variance Analysis
- 2NLV: Two-term New Local Variance Analysis
- 3NLV: Three-term New Local Variance Analysis
- 4TLQV: Four-Term Local Quadrat Variance Analysis
- 9TLQV: Nine-Term Local Quadrat Variance Analysis
- 5QV: Pentuplet Quadrat Variance
- Haar
- French Top Hat
- Mexican Hat
- Morlet
- Sine
- Euclidean distances/angles from 1, 2, and 3-dimensional points
- Spherical distances/angles from latitudes and longitudes
- Shortest-path/Geodesic distances
- Distances from arrays of data
- Euclidean distances
- Squared Euclidean distances
- Manhattan distances
- Canberra distances
- Hamming distances
- Jaccard distances
- Cosine distances
- Czekanowski distances
- Correlation distances
- Squared correlation distances
- Distance class determination
- Delaunay/Voronoi Tessellation
- Minimum-spanning Tree
- Relative Neighborhood Network
- Gabriel Graph
- Least-diagonal Network
- Range-based Connections
- k-nearest Neighbors
- Correlograms
- Moran's I
- Geary's c
- Mantel Correlograms
- Variograms
- Bearing Analysis
- Bearing Correlograms
- Moran's I, Geary's c, and Mantel
- Windrose Correlograms
- Moran's I, Geary's c, and Mantel
- Angular Correlation Analysis
- Mantel tests