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File metadata and controls

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Pipeline Tools


See also Jim Bosch's IPython notebook summary of HSC Pipeline Outputs;

The HSC data reduction pipeline is built on a framework of software tools which are under active development for the LSST pipeline. For those who are interested in working with data catalog information, the HSC database is the best tool to use. But for those who are interested in working with HSC images, this toolkit provides the best way to work with the data. If you're familiar with running the pipeline, the same EUPS 'setup' command you used to enable the pipeline code will also enable the Application FrameWork ('afw') and other pipeline tools.

$ setup -v hscPipe <version>

The main pipeline tools you will like need to be concerned with are the following:

  1. The butler and dataRef: These are tools which can find and load various types of data for you.
  2. Exposures, MaskedImages, and Images: These are the various containers used to handle images.
  3. SourceCatalogs: These are containers for tabulated information about 'sources', including things like coordinates, fluxes, adaptive moments, and their respective errors.

The Butler

The butler is a data object used to find and retrieve data for you. It can also store data for you, but as this tutorial is intended for users working with pipeline outputs, we'd like to avoid the possibility of a user accidentally overwriting data. File permissions should protect us from this, but we still request that you please stay well away from writing operations.

The following will create a butler object:

import lsst.daf.persistence as dafPersist
# <snip> #
dataDir = "/data/Subaru/HSC/rerun/myrerun"
butler = dafPersist.Butler(dataDir)

The butler object can then be used to request data by calling the get() method with the keyword for the thing that you're requesting, and the dataId for the data you're interested in. Here's an example where the dataId refers to a 'visit' and 'ccd'. If you're working with a coadd, then these would have to be changed to 'tract' and 'patch':

dataId = {'visit': 1234, 'ccd': 56}
bias = butler.get('bias', dataId)

The '_filename' suffix

If, instead of the actual data, you wanted to know the file from which the data is being loaded, you can append _filename to the target. The example for the filename of the bias target, is:

bias_filename = butler.get('bias_filename', dataId)

The '_md' (metadata) suffix

Many of the butler targets have metadata associated with them. If you're interested only in the metadata, you can request it specifically with an _md suffix on the target. A common such request is for calexp_md (for calibrated exposure):

calexp_md = butler.get("calexp_md", dataId)

The dataRef

To use the butler, you need both the butler, and the dataId. Alternatively, if you're working extensively with the same dataId, you can obtain a butler 'data reference'. Obtaining the same bias image would then be done as follows:

import hsc.pipe.base.butler as hscButler
# <snip> #
dataId = {'visit': 1234, 'ccd': 56}
dataRef = hscButler.getDataRef(butler, dataId)
bias = dataRef.get('bias')

Which you choose, depends on what you're trying to do. If you're manipulating data in a single script, it likely won't make any difference.

Most popular butler targets

The butler can be used to get() just about any pipeline data product you might be interested in. The ones that are most likely to be of interest to you are the following (parentheses show the data type it will give you).

Calibration frames (require dataId with visit and ccd)

The following are the main calibration data products. All will return image-based data in the form of an ExposureF:

Target Data type Comment
bias ExposureF Bias image
dark ExposureF Dark current image (per second)
flat ExposureF Flat field image
fringe ExposureF Fringe image (prob. Y-band only)

Single-Frame data (requires dataId with visit and ccd)

  1. postISRCCD (ExposureF): 'ISR' stands for 'instrument signature removal' (i.e. bias subtraction, flat fielding, fringe removal, etc). The postISRCCD outputs are not written to disk by default. To enable writing these in a pipeline run, set isr.doWrite=True.
  2. calexp (ExposureF): This is a calibrated exposure. This is essentially a postISRCCD with the background subtracted, and additional calibration-related metadata. As postISRCCD isn't normally persisted (i.e. written to disk), this should be your go-to target for single-frame image data.
  3. psf (Psf): This is the Psf used in image processing. With it, you can reconstruct an image of the local PSF at any position in the frame for the dataId you request. See Psf for information on how to use it.
  4. src (SourceCatalog): This contains all measurements for all of the sources in the dataId requested, including such things as RA & Dec, flux (aperture, PSF, etc.), adaptive moments, and much (much much) more.
  5. wcs and fcr (ExposureI): After single frame processing is complete, the mosaic process is used to create a self consistent re-calibration (i.e. an uber-calibration) for the astrometry and photometry. The 'wcs' and 'fcr' targets contains the corrections for the astrometry and photometry, respectively.

Coadd data (requires dataId with tract and patch)

The values for the coadd data are usually the same as those for the single frame data, but include the prefix deepCoadd_. The exception is that calexp is simply called deepCaodd. There are no coadd equivalents for the 'postISRCCD', 'wcs' and 'fcr' targets as these apply only to single frame measurements.

Single Frame target Coadd Target
calexp deepCoadd
psf deepCoadd_psf
src deepCoadd_src

Finding other butler targets

If there's something specific that you're looking for, and you don't know what it's called, the butler's cousin, called 'the mapper', has a configuration file which contains all of the possible butler targets. For the HSC camera, the mapper configuration can be found in the obs_subaru EUPS package. The directory is therefore stored in the environment variable $OBS_SUBARU_DIR (see :ref:`EUPS *_DIR variables <back_eupsworks>`, and :ref:`.paf files <back_policy>`). The file is:

$ ls $OBS_SUBARU_DIR/policy/HscMapper.paf

An Excerpt from the file looks like this:

calexp: {
    template:      "%(pointing)05d/%(filter)s/corr/CORR-%(visit)07d-%(ccd)03d.fits"
    python:        "lsst.afw.image.ExposureF"
    persistable:   "ExposureF"
    storage:       "FitsStorage"
    level:         "Ccd"
    tables:        "raw"
    tables:        "raw_visit"

This descripts a target called a 'calexp' (calibrated exposure). The template indicates the directory tree relative to the root of your data repository, python refers to the type of python class the data will be loaded into, and the other fields are of importance only to developers. If you choose to look through the HscMapper.paf file searching for a specific butler target, there's very little damage you can do by simply loading a target to see what it is. However, don't ever attempt to edit the file yourself.

Exposures, MaskedImage, and Images

Exposure, MaskedImage, and Image are all used to handle image-based data in the pipeline. When used in python, the type is also specified as a suffix. It will usually be float 'F' (e.g. ExposureF) or integer 'I' (e.g. ImageI). An Image is the simplest one, containing only a 2D array of pixels; the MaskedImageF contains 3 separate Image objects (a data ImageF, a mask ImageI, and a variance ImageF), and an ExposureF contains a MaskedImageF plus any metadata associated with it (i.e. what might commonly be found in a FITS header).

In most cases, any image data you request from the butler will be handed to you in the form of an ExposureF object. In the form of pipeline Image objects, these may be difficult to work with, but the images can be converted to more familiar numpy images, if you're more comfortable with that format. In addition to the image data, the associated metadata is also present in an object called a PropertySet. The following example demonstrates loading a 'calexp' with the butler and extracting both the image and metadata information, and writing a PNG with matplotlib. This would be used on single-frame data (i.e. visit,ccd), while the 'deepCoadd_calexp' butler target would be used for coadd data.

.. literalinclude:: scripts/
   :language: python


The 'image' and 'variance' planes stored in a MaskedImage, are reasonable self explanatory, but the Mask contains information which is stored in a very specific way, and requires special attentions. HSC Masks (currently) use a 16-bit pixel mask to store pixel-specific flags. Most of these are used to indicate problems such as cosmic rays hits, and saturated or interpolated pixels. However, some are used to note the locations of source footprints. Not all 16 bits are used.

Label Meaning (Note that there is no order to these)
BAD Pixel is physically bad (a known camera defect)
CR Cosmic Ray hit
CROSSTALK Pixel location affected by crosstalk (and corrected)
EDGE Near the CCD edge
INTERPOLATED Pixel contains a value based on interpolation from neighbours.
SATURATED Pixel flux exceeded full-well
SUSPECT Pixel is nearly saturated. It may not be well corrected for non-linearity.
UNMASKEDNAN A NaN occurred in this pixel in ISR (instrument signature removal - bias,flat,etc)
DETECTED Pixel is part of a source footprint (a detected source)
DETECTED_NEGATIVE Pixel is part of a negative source footprint (in difference image)
CLIPPED (Coadd only) Co-addition process clipped 1 or 2 (but not more) input pixels
NO_DATA (Coadd only) Pixel has no input data (between CCDs, beyond edge of frame)

Unlike many astronomy data sets, the meaning of the specific bits is not hard-coded. Instead, when the pipeline needs to record cosmic ray hits in the 'CR' mask, it requests the next available bit. So, if for example, the CR hits are recorded in bit #2 in one rerun, there's no guarantee that that will be true in a different rerun! The safest way to access the bit-mask information is to use the pipeline tools.

To get the bit mask for a specific mask plane (e.g. CR) and make an image showing the masked regions:

# Assuming you've loaded the maskedImage ...
mask       = maskedImage.getMask()
crBitMask  = mask.getPlaneBitMask("CR")

# make a copy and keep only the CR bit
# (unmasked pixels will be 0, and masked ones will have value crBitMask)
crImage = mask.clone()
crImage &= crBitMask


The output catalogs produced by the pipeline are stored in the form of SourceCatalogs. The SourceCatalog is an in-house data type designed specifically for pipeline catalogs. SourceCatalogs can be thought of as tables with each rows containing an entry for a source, and each column containing the values of a measurement for all sources. They can be obtained from the butler by requesting the 'src' target (single-frame outputs) or 'deepCoadd_src' (coadd outputs):

sources = butler.get("src", dataId)

Values can be extracted by row and sometimes by column, depending on the type of the value.

  • For values which are simple types (float, int, etc), you can obtain
    a numpy.ndarray containing all values of a measurement by calling sources.get('thing') , where 'thing' is a text label for the type of data you want, e.g. 'flux.aperture', 'flux.aperture.err'. These can be thought of as the columns of the SourceCatalog. You can then use these in vector operations just as you would any numpy.ndarray. However, for more complicated types (e.g. 'coord'), SourceCatalog cannot be sliced along columns in this way.
  • You can access individual sources by index (e.g. s = source[i]),
    or by iterating in a loop (e.g. for src in sources). This will return a SourceRecord, which is the entry containing all measurements made on a single source in the catalog.

This short example demonstrates both of these. It get the number of sources in the catalog for a dataId, and also the PSF flux as an ndarray. It then iterates through the sources, printing the PSF flux and also extracting and printing 'classification.extendedness' which is used for star-galaxy separation:

# get a SourceCatalog from the butler
sources = butler.get("src", dataId)

# get the number of sources and an ndarray of PSF fluxes
n = len(sources)
psfFlux    = sources.get("flux.psf")

# iterate over the sources, and also get 'extendedness' from each SourceRecord
for i, src in enumerate(sources):
    print i, psfFlux[i], src.get("classification.extendedness")

Most users will want magnitudes instead of fluxes, and will need a zeropoint. An overall zeropoint for a CCD is available in the calexp_md butler target:

metadata  = butler.get("calexp_md", dataId)
zeropoint = 2.5*numpy.log10(metadata.get("FLUXMAG0"))

However, uber-calibrated (pixel coord specific) zeropoints are also available, provided has been run. The mosaic correction can be applied as:

fcr_md     = butler.get("fcr_md", dataId)
ffp        = measMosaic.FluxFitParams(fcr_md)
x, y       = sources.getX(), sources.getY()
correction = numpy.array([ffp.eval(x[i],y[i]) for i in range(n)])
zeropoint  = 2.5*numpy.log10(fcr_md.get("FLUXMAG0")) + correction

This example shows how to obtain and print calibrated photometry:

.. literalinclude:: scripts/

Full listings for the current set of SourceCatalog fields are shown for :ref:`Single-frame Schema <prettyschema_sf>`, and :ref:`Coadd Schema <prettyschema_coadd>`. Once you have a SourceCatalog object, you can display a similar listing by directly printing the schema member attribute:

sources = butler.get("src", dataId)
print sources.schema

Special data types in SourceRecords

SourceCatalogs contain a number of non-standard data types.

Coord and Angle

Coord is used to store any type of celestial coordinate. The things it contains (R.A. and Dec, and transformed versions of them) are angles and are themselves contained in a special data type Angle. Coord types include ICRS, FK5, Galactic, and Ecliptic. Currently, ICRS and FK5 are actually the same thing. Angles can be accessed in any common angular format: degrees, radians, arcminutes, and arcseconds. The following demonstrates the basic usage

.. literalinclude:: scripts/
   :language: python


Adaptive moments are also handled in special data types, Quadrulpole, and Axes. The following example shows the basic usage

.. literalinclude:: scripts/

Working with ds9

Displaying Images

The HSC pipeline code is also able to use ds9 to display images. Ds9 is not included as a part of the pipeline software, so you'll have to install it separately. Once that's done, you can display any of the image-based objects with the mtv() function:

exposure = butler.get("calexp", dataId)

The more information you give mtv, the more will be displayed. If display an Image, then only the image pixels will be shown. However, if you use a MaskedImage or Exposure, then the mask planes will be show semi-transparently with different colors used to indicate different mask bits being set. The mask colors are currently the following:

Mask Flag Color

The mtv() function supports additional parameters to configure which frame the exposure is displayed on, its title, the ds9 'scale' setting (grayscale), the zoom, and the mask transparency:

settings = {'scale':'zscale', 'zoom': 'to fit', 'mask' : 'transparency 60'}
ds9.mtv(exposure, frame=1, title="My Data", settings=settings)

The ds9 module also supports plotting points on a figure with the dot() function:

sources = butler.get('src', dataId)
with ds9.Buffering():
    for source in sources:
        symbol = "o", source.getX(), source.getY(), ctype=ds9.RED, size=5, frame=1, silent=True)

Available symbols include '+', 'o', '*', and 'x'. If you wish show an ellipse for each point, this is done by changing the symbol to "@:Ixx,Ixy,Iyy". The symbol in the example would then be written as:

symbol = "@:{ixx},{ixy},{iyy}".format(ixx=source.getIxx(),ixy=source.getIxy(), iyy=source.getIyy())

A full example demonstrating loading an image with the butler, and displaying to ds9 is included with the example scripts. See :ref:`showInDs9 <showInDs9>`.