A Docker image for AirSonos on Raspberry Pi (tested with 2 Model B).
AirSonos exposes Sonos as an AirPlay endpoint. To learn more about AirSonos, read the author's blog about it.
This image is heavily inspired by justintime/airsonos. Differences in this image are:
- hypriot/rpi-node:0.10.36 image as base
- supervisord instead of init mechanism from phusion/baseimage.
- Install Docker on you Raspberry Pi (e.g. http://blog.hypriot.com)
- Run the container:
sudo docker run -d --restart=always --net="host" --name="airsonos" \
-p 5000-5050:5000-5050/tcp marcelst/airsonos-pi
Because the discovery mechanism uses mdns, you have to use --net="host"
in order for discovery of your Sonos devices to work properly. Since AirSonos binds to random ports between 5000 and 5050, it's best to publish them all.